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  • in reply to: Extra Steps? #1477

    Alden, I’m using Mac Coolterm. I’m not sure about line numbering in Partkam, although it’s a short enough file where I could hand-code them.

    I agree on short-cycling… Let’s try to tele-meet over the weekend. I’ll be working the rest of today, tomorrow and Sunday from 11am Pacific til late-at-night Pacific. Maybe we can do a g+ hangout?

    in reply to: Extra Steps? #1475

    ah, so close and yet so far! Here’s what’s up:

    -Figured out that the current pot was actually labeled, just very tiny-ly. I’ve got the current set just below the point where the motors will pulse from thermal shutoff.

    -I changed the JM for each axis to 3000 [inches]. I’ve left it there, as I’m not entirely clear on what this setting does.

    -I dropped the SR/FR for X and Y to a pretty conservative 61ipm/60ipm, respectively. All three axes run really nicely with individual, manual G-code commands (G0 and G1).

    -The bad news: When I go to run a whole G-Code file, I’m missing steps in X and Y. The strange thing is, it’s in a very consistent pattern; ie the same file will run incorrectly the same way multiple times. Here’s a sample that I tried (should be a 1″x1″ square pocket), and the result after running it twice.

    I’ve tried dropping the SR/FR settings, but no change in misstepping. I’m wondering if this could be a problem with the way CoolTerm is feeding in the file? Otherwise I’m stumped for troubleshooting.

    in reply to: Extra Steps? #1472

    OK, I’m much closer today but things are still not quite right. Here’s the gist:

    -I found that the chips were getting pretty hot, so I added a heatsink and fan.

    -I adjusted the current pot (there’s only one on my board) per Riley’s suggestion, and that did seem to fix the stuttering. The green axis light will sometimes stay lit on X and Y, but it no longer flashes.

    -I enabled power management on the Z axis since it is on a leadscrew, and there is no indicator light after finishing a Z command.

    -I can send Gcode to the board, but I’m consistently missing steps on the X and Y axes.

    I think either my JM settings in the firmware are still off or I have not actually set the current correctly. So my questions are:

    -Is there a clear indicator of what the current pot is set to, and which turning direction increases current? I just tried randomly dialing it up and down today to see what happened, and tweaked it until the stuttering was no longer happening.

    -What is a reasonable Max Jerk setting for a machine configured in inches? I reference the wiki in originally setting mine to 2,000,000 in/min^3, but Alden mentioned that this is too high.

    Here’s my updated config settings:

    Motor 1 – Mapped to axis 0 [0=X,1=Y…] $1MA0
    Motor 1 – Step angle 1.80 degrees $1SA1.80
    Motor 1 – Travel/rev 1.600 inches $1TR1.600
    Motor 1 – Microsteps 2 [1,2,4,8] $1MI2
    Motor 1 – Motor polarity 0 [0,1] $1PO0
    Motor 1 – Power mgmt mode 0 [0,1] $1PW0
    Motor 2 – Mapped to axis 1 [0=X,1=Y…] $2MA1
    Motor 2 – Step angle 1.80 degrees $2SA1.80
    Motor 2 – Travel/rev 1.600 inches $2TR1.600
    Motor 2 – Microsteps 2 [1,2,4,8] $2MI2
    Motor 2 – Motor polarity 1 [0,1] $2PO1
    Motor 2 – Power mgmt mode 0 [0,1] $2PW0
    Motor 3 – Mapped to axis 2 [0=X,1=Y…] $3MA2
    Motor 3 – Step angle 1.80 degrees $3SA1.80
    Motor 3 – Travel/rev 0.063 inches $3TR0.063
    Motor 3 – Microsteps 4 [1,2,4,8] $3MI4
    Motor 3 – Motor polarity 1 [0,1] $3PO1
    Motor 3 – Power mgmt mode 1 [0,1] $3PW1
    Motor 4 – Mapped to axis 2 [0=X,1=Y…] $4MA2
    Motor 4 – Step angle 1.80 degrees $4SA1.80
    Motor 4 – Travel/rev 0.100 inches $4TR0.100
    Motor 4 – Microsteps 8 [1,2,4,8] $4MI8
    Motor 4 – Motor polarity 0 [0,1] $4PO0
    Motor 4 – Power mgmt mode 1 [0,1] $4PW1
    X axis – Axis mode 1 [0-10] $XMO1
    X axis – Seek rate 65.00 in/min $XSR65.00
    X axis – Feed rate 62.00 in/min $XFR62.00
    X axis – Travel hard limit 16 inches $XTH16
    X axis – Travel soft limit 15 inches $XTS15
    X axis – Jerk maximum 50000.00 in/min^3 $XJM50000
    X axis – Cornering delta 0.0020 in $XCD0.0020
    X axis – Limit switch mode 1 [0,1] $XLI1
    X axis – Homing enabled 1 [0,1] $XHE1
    X axis – Homing seek rate 53.15 in/min $XHR53.15
    X axis – Homing close rate 0.39 in/min $XHC0.39
    X axis – Homing offset -7.87 inches $XHO-7.87
    X axis – Homing backoff 0.20 inches $XHB0.20
    Y axis – Axis mode 1 [0-10] $YMO1
    Y axis – Seek rate 65.00 in/min $YSR65.00
    Y axis – Feed rate 62.00 in/min $YFR62.00
    Y axis – Travel hard limit 12 inches $YTH12
    Y axis – Travel soft limit 11 inches $YTS11
    Y axis – Jerk maximum 50000.00 in/min^3 $YJM50000
    Y axis – Cornering delta 0.0020 in $YCD0.0020
    Y axis – Limit switch mode 1 [0,1] $YLI1
    Y axis – Homing enabled 1 [0,1] $YHE1
    Y axis – Homing seek rate 53.15 in/min $YHR53.15
    Y axis – Homing close rate 0.39 in/min $YHC0.39
    Y axis – Homing offset -5.91 inches $YHO-5.91
    Y axis – Homing backoff 0.20 inches $YHB0.20
    Z axis – Axis mode 1 [0-10] $ZMO1
    Z axis – Seek rate 17.00 in/min $ZSR17.00
    Z axis – Feed rate 15.00 in/min $ZFR15.00
    Z axis – Travel hard limit 3 inches $ZTH3
    Z axis – Travel soft limit 3 inches $ZTS3
    Z axis – Jerk maximum 50000.00 in/min^3 $ZJM50000
    Z axis – Cornering delta 0.0020 in $ZCD0.0020
    Z axis – Limit switch mode 1 [0,1] $ZLI1
    Z axis – Homing enabled 1 [0,1] $ZHE1
    Z axis – Homing seek rate 53.15 in/min $ZHR53.15
    Z axis – Homing close rate 0.39 in/min $ZHC0.39
    Z axis – Homing offset -1.46 inches $ZHO-1.46
    Z axis – Homing backoff 0.20 inches $ZHB0.20
    A axis – Axis mode 3 [0-10] $AMO3
    A axis – Seek rate 51024 deg/min $ASR51024
    A axis – Feed rate 45921 deg/min $AFR45921
    A axis – Travel hard limit -1 degrees $ATH-1
    A axis – Travel soft limit -1 degrees $ATS-1
    A axis – Jerk maximum 50000000 deg/min^3 $AJM50000000
    A axis – Cornering delta 0.0020 in $ACD0.0020
    A axis – Radius value 0.394 inches $ARA0.394
    A axis – Limit switch mode 1 [0,1] $ALI1
    A axis – Homing enabled 1 [0,1] $AHE1
    A axis – Homing seek rate 45921 deg/min $AHR45921.26
    A axis – Homing close rate 360 deg/min $AHC360.00
    A axis – Homing offset 0 degrees $AHO0.00
    A axis – Homing backoff 5 degrees $AHB5.00
    B axis – Axis mode 3 [0-10] $BMO3
    B axis – Seek rate 51024 deg/min $BSR51024
    B axis – Feed rate 45921 deg/min $BFR45921
    B axis – Travel hard limit -1 degrees $BTH-1
    B axis – Travel soft limit -1 degrees $BTS-1
    B axis – Jerk maximum 50000000 deg/min^3 $BJM50000000
    B axis – Cornering delta 0.0020 in $BCD0.0020
    B axis – Radius value 0.394 inches $BRA0.394
    B axis – Limit switch mode 1 [0,1] $BLI1
    B axis – Homing enabled 0 [0,1] $BHE0
    B axis – Homing seek rate 45921 deg/min $BHR45921.26
    B axis – Homing close rate 360 deg/min $BHC360.00
    B axis – Homing offset 0 degrees $BHO0.00
    B axis – Homing backoff 5 degrees $BHB5.00
    C axis – Axis mode 3 [0-10] $CMO3
    C axis – Seek rate 51024 deg/min $CSR51024
    C axis – Feed rate 45921 deg/min $CFR45921
    C axis – Travel hard limit -1 degrees $CTH-1
    C axis – Travel soft limit -1 degrees $CTS-1
    C axis – Jerk maximum 50000000 deg/min^3 $CJM50000000
    C axis – Cornering delta 0.0020 in $CCD0.0020
    C axis – Radius value 0.394 inches $CRA0.394
    C axis – Limit switch mode 1 [0,1] $CLI1
    C axis – Homing enabled 0 [0,1] $CHE0
    C axis – Homing seek rate 45921 deg/min $CHR45921.26
    C axis – Homing close rate 360 deg/min $CHC360.00
    C axis – Homing offset 0 degrees $CHO0.00
    C axis – Homing backoff 5 degrees $CHB5.00
    Gcode: Units {G20,G21} 21 [20,21] $GU21
    Gcode: Plane {G17,G18,G19} 17 [17,18,19] $GL17
    Gcode: Path {G61,G61.1,G64} 64.0 [61,61.1,64] $GP64.0
    Gcode: Distance Mode {G90,G91} 90 [90,91] $GD90
    Enable Acceleration 1 [0,1] $EA1
    Junction acceleration 3937 in/min^2 $JA3937
    Min line segment length 0.0031 inches $ML0.0031
    Min arc segment length 0.0039 inches $MC0.0039
    Min segment time 10000 uSec $MT10000
    Homing mode 0 [0,1] $HM0
    Convert LF to CR LF (outgoing) 0 [0,1] $EC0
    Ignore Incoming CR 0 [0,1] $IC0
    Ignore Incoming LF 0 [0,1] $IL0
    Enable Xon/Xoff Flow Control 1 [0,1] $EX1
    Enable Echo 1 [0,1] $EE1


    in reply to: Extra Steps? #1471

    Hey guys, I think Riley’s suggestion about the current reduction did the trick. I’m putting together a heatsink/fan right now… will update soon.

    in reply to: Extra Steps? #1467

    Riley, wouldn’t be the first for me either! Thanks for being so responsive.

    Here’s the dump:

    Profile 1.00 [P_1.00]
    Version 0.90 [V_0.90]
    Motor 1 – Mapped to axis 0 [0=X,1=Y…] $1MA0
    Motor 1 – Step angle 1.80 degrees $1SA1.80
    Motor 1 – Travel/rev 1.600 inches $1TR1.600
    Motor 1 – Microsteps 2 [1,2,4,8] $1MI2
    Motor 1 – Motor polarity 0 [0,1] $1PO0
    Motor 1 – Power mgmt mode 0 [0,1] $1PW0
    Motor 2 – Mapped to axis 1 [0=X,1=Y…] $2MA1
    Motor 2 – Step angle 1.80 degrees $2SA1.80
    Motor 2 – Travel/rev 1.600 inches $2TR1.600
    Motor 2 – Microsteps 2 [1,2,4,8] $2MI2
    Motor 2 – Motor polarity 1 [0,1] $2PO1
    Motor 2 – Power mgmt mode 0 [0,1] $2PW0
    Motor 3 – Mapped to axis 2 [0=X,1=Y…] $3MA2
    Motor 3 – Step angle 1.80 degrees $3SA1.80
    Motor 3 – Travel/rev 0.063 inches $3TR0.063
    Motor 3 – Microsteps 4 [1,2,4,8] $3MI4
    Motor 3 – Motor polarity 1 [0,1] $3PO1
    Motor 3 – Power mgmt mode 0 [0,1] $3PW0
    Motor 4 – Mapped to axis 3 [0=X,1=Y…] $4MA3
    Motor 4 – Step angle 1.80 degrees $4SA1.80
    Motor 4 – Travel/rev 0.709 inches $4TR0.709
    Motor 4 – Microsteps 8 [1,2,4,8] $4MI8
    Motor 4 – Motor polarity 0 [0,1] $4PO0
    Motor 4 – Power mgmt mode 1 [0,1] $4PW1
    X axis – Axis mode 1 [0-10] $XMO1
    X axis – Seek rate 250.00 in/min $XSR250.00
    X axis – Feed rate 200.00 in/min $XFR200.00
    X axis – Travel hard limit 16 inches $XTH16
    X axis – Travel soft limit 15 inches $XTS15
    X axis – Jerk maximum 2000000.00 in/min^3 $XJM2000000
    X axis – Cornering delta 0.0020 in $XCD0.0020
    X axis – Limit switch mode 1 [0,1] $XLI1
    X axis – Homing enabled 1 [0,1] $XHE1
    X axis – Homing seek rate 31.50 in/min $XHR31.50
    X axis – Homing close rate 0.39 in/min $XHC0.39
    X axis – Homing offset -7.87 inches $XHO-7.87
    X axis – Homing backoff 0.20 inches $XHB0.20
    Y axis – Axis mode 1 [0-10] $YMO1
    Y axis – Seek rate 250.00 in/min $YSR250.00
    Y axis – Feed rate 250.00 in/min $YFR250.00
    Y axis – Travel hard limit 7 inches $YTH7
    Y axis – Travel soft limit 7 inches $YTS7
    Y axis – Jerk maximum 2000000.00 in/min^3 $YJM2000000
    Y axis – Cornering delta 0.0020 in $YCD0.0020
    Y axis – Limit switch mode 1 [0,1] $YLI1
    Y axis – Homing enabled 1 [0,1] $YHE1
    Y axis – Homing seek rate 31.50 in/min $YHR31.50
    Y axis – Homing close rate 0.39 in/min $YHC0.39
    Y axis – Homing offset -3.43 inches $YHO-3.43
    Y axis – Homing backoff 0.20 inches $YHB0.20
    Z axis – Axis mode 1 [0-10] $ZMO1
    Z axis – Seek rate 10.00 in/min $ZSR10.00
    Z axis – Feed rate 9.00 in/min $ZFR9.00
    Z axis – Travel hard limit 3 inches $ZTH3
    Z axis – Travel soft limit 3 inches $ZTS3
    Z axis – Jerk maximum 50000.00 in/min^3 $ZJM50000
    Z axis – Cornering delta 0.0020 in $ZCD0.0020
    Z axis – Limit switch mode 1 [0,1] $ZLI1
    Z axis – Homing enabled 1 [0,1] $ZHE1
    Z axis – Homing seek rate 19.69 in/min $ZHR19.69
    Z axis – Homing close rate 0.39 in/min $ZHC0.39
    Z axis – Homing offset -1.46 inches $ZHO-1.46
    Z axis – Homing backoff 0.20 inches $ZHB0.20
    A axis – Axis mode 3 [0-10] $AMO3
    A axis – Seek rate 12000 deg/min $ASR12000
    A axis – Feed rate 12000 deg/min $AFR12000
    A axis – Travel hard limit -1 degrees $ATH-1
    A axis – Travel soft limit -1 degrees $ATS-1
    A axis – Jerk maximum 50000000 deg/min^3 $AJM50000000
    A axis – Cornering delta 0.0020 in $ACD0.0020
    A axis – Radius value 0.394 inches $ARA0.394
    A axis – Limit switch mode 1 [0,1] $ALI1
    A axis – Homing enabled 1 [0,1] $AHE1
    A axis – Homing seek rate 12000 deg/min $AHR12000.00
    A axis – Homing close rate 360 deg/min $AHC360.00
    A axis – Homing offset 0 degrees $AHO0.00
    A axis – Homing backoff 5 degrees $AHB5.00
    B axis – Axis mode 3 [0-10] $BMO3
    B axis – Seek rate 12000 deg/min $BSR12000
    B axis – Feed rate 12000 deg/min $BFR12000
    B axis – Travel hard limit -1 degrees $BTH-1
    B axis – Travel soft limit -1 degrees $BTS-1
    B axis – Jerk maximum 50000000 deg/min^3 $BJM50000000
    B axis – Cornering delta 0.0020 in $BCD0.0020
    B axis – Radius value 0.394 inches $BRA0.394
    B axis – Limit switch mode 1 [0,1] $BLI1
    B axis – Homing enabled 0 [0,1] $BHE0
    B axis – Homing seek rate 12000 deg/min $BHR12000.00
    B axis – Homing close rate 360 deg/min $BHC360.00
    B axis – Homing offset 0 degrees $BHO0.00
    B axis – Homing backoff 5 degrees $BHB5.00
    C axis – Axis mode 3 [0-10] $CMO3
    C axis – Seek rate 12000 deg/min $CSR12000
    C axis – Feed rate 12000 deg/min $CFR12000
    C axis – Travel hard limit -1 degrees $CTH-1
    C axis – Travel soft limit -1 degrees $CTS-1
    C axis – Jerk maximum 50000000 deg/min^3 $CJM50000000
    C axis – Cornering delta 0.0020 in $CCD0.0020
    C axis – Radius value 0.394 inches $CRA0.394
    C axis – Limit switch mode 1 [0,1] $CLI1
    C axis – Homing enabled 0 [0,1] $CHE0
    C axis – Homing seek rate 12000 deg/min $CHR12000.00
    C axis – Homing close rate 360 deg/min $CHC360.00
    C axis – Homing offset 0 degrees $CHO0.00
    C axis – Homing backoff 5 degrees $CHB5.00
    Gcode: Units {G20,G21} 21 [20,21] $GU21
    Gcode: Plane {G17,G18,G19} 17 [17,18,19] $GL17
    Gcode: Path {G61,G61.1,G64} 64.0 [61,61.1,64] $GP64.0
    Gcode: Distance Mode {G90,G91} 90 [90,91] $GD90
    Enable Acceleration 1 [0,1] $EA1
    Jerk corner acceleration 1969 in/min^2 $JA1969
    Min segment length 0.0020 inches $MM0.0020
    Min segment time 10000 uSec $MT10000
    Homing mode 0 [0,1] $HM0
    Convert LF to CR LF (outgoing) 0 [0,1] $EC0
    Ignore Incoming CR 0 [0,1] $IC0
    Ignore Incoming LF 0 [0,1] $IL0
    Enable Xon/Xoff Flow Control 1 [0,1] $EX1
    Enable Echo 1 [0,1] $EE1
    Profile 0.90 [0.90]

    in reply to: Extra Steps? #1466

    Seems like it’s on all three axes, with both G1 and G0 commands.

    Here are a few manual G-Codes I tried, that all produced the ‘extra stepping’:

    tinyg[mm] ok> g20
    tinyg[inch] ok> g0 x2
    tinyg[inch] ok> g1 y4 f20
    tinyg[inch] ok> g0 z1
    tinyg[inch] ok>

    And a simple nc file, which seemed to do the same thing, with the addition of the Z axis slowly creeping down to it’s lower limit the entire run (I had to shut it off before it could finish the file).

    Also I haven’t seen either of those error messages.

    in reply to: Extra Steps? #1462

    Alden, here is the version info that I got thru CoolTerm:

    #### TinyG build 322.02 – “Filariasis” ####

    in reply to: Board Reset/Profile Change #1458

    Yes, thanks! AVRstudio 4 on a different windoze box did the trick!

    in reply to: Board Reset/Profile Change #1456

    alden, thanks, I’ve got an mkII, but for some reason I’m having trouble flashing the board. I can connect to the programmer via avrdude when it’s attached to an arduino, but when I try to connect to TinyG, I get this error message:

    root@lilcnc-desktop:# avrdude -c avrispmkii -p x256a3 -P usb

    avrdude: stk500v2_command(): error in CMD_XPROG_SETMODE: Unknown
    avrdude: stk600_xprog_program_enable(): CMD_XPROG_SETMODE(XPRG_MODE_PDI) failed
    avrdude: initialization failed, rc=-1
    Double check connections and try again, or use -F to override
    this check.

    avrdude: stk500v2_command(): error in CMD_XPROG: Unknown
    avrdude: stk600_xprog_program_disable(): XPRG_CMD_LEAVE_PROGMODE failed

    avrdude done. Thank you.

    This is consistent on Windows 7 & Ubuntu Linux.

    I’ve done some investigating online, and it sounds like I may need to update the mkII’s firmware via AVRstudio? Trouble is, I installed the libusb drivers on Windows, and it seems like they’re interfering with AVRstudio as it can’t connect to the board.

    I’ll try again tomorrow on a different machine. Thanks!

    in reply to: Board Reset/Profile Change #1454

    Alden, thanks, I figured that was probably the case. I’ve had a string of faulty AVR programmers lately, and a new one that’s waiting to get soldered together… guess this is a good excuse to assemble it.

    I like the idea of a DIYLILCNC default config… I’ll keep you posted as I tune my board after updating.

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