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MemberOk so I tried the downloaded. binary and get the same results.
I have also managed to get a G01 code to work if I directly send it using minicom. So I suspect somewhere an issue with either Chilipeppr or SPJS is more likely than the g2core based on what im seeing. More testing needed i think but I am getting closer.
MemberThanks cmcgrath, yes used the following MAKE command:
I will try the pre-built binary and see if its any different. At the moment im not using a shield, just taking step/dir from the relevant pins.
What I dont understand is that with the same config/setup i get movement for any G02 and G03 codes but not for G00 or G01. It just skips past them like its not processing them. Even when in the same file it will skip the linear moves but arc’s work fine.
At the moment I dont have any way to debug the HW but if there is any other commands I can run on there to get more info then let me know.
MemberI seem to have narrowed down the problem a little.. On edge ver 101.03 I seem to have issues getting any linear motion to work.
G0 and G1 codes have no effect but G2 and G3 do. To test this I reset the due and issue A G1 code with from the Chilipeppr console, the response I get indicates no movement:
G01 X50 F1000 {"r":{},"f":[1,0,14]} {"sr":{"stat":3,"feed":1000,"momo":1}}
However if I send a G2 code then i get movement and also pulses on the step pins.
G02 I5 F1000 {"r":{},"f":[1,0,13]} {"qr":4} {"sr":{"posx":0.46233,"posy":2.07757,"vel":845.81,"stat":5,"momo":2,"mpox":0.47137,"mpoy":2.09634}} {"qr":7} {"sr":{"posx":3.20353,"posy":4.65577,"vel":841.57,"mpox":3.20353,"mpoy":4.65577}} {"qr":12} {"sr":{"posx":6.47414,"posy":4.76734,"vel":824.09,"mpox":6.47414,"mpoy":4.76734}} {"qr":17} {"sr":{"posx":9.37074,"posy":2.40753,"vel":885.66,"mpox":9.37074,"mpoy":2.40753}} {"qr":22} {"sr":{"posx":9.92472,"posy":-0.82455,"vel":786.12,"mpox":9.92472,"mpoy":-0.82455}} {"qr":27} {"sr":{"posx":8.02448,"posy":-3.97016,"vel":951.86,"mpox":8.02448,"mpoy":-3.97016}} {"qr":32} {"sr":{"posx":4.80239,"posy":-4.99383,"vel":760.89,"mpox":4.80239,"mpoy":-4.99383}} {"qr":37} {"sr":{"posx":1.5633,"posy":-3.61922,"vel":1000,"mpox":1.5633,"mpoy":-3.61922}} {"qr":42} {"qr":47} {"sr":{"posx":0.03265,"posy":-0.50854,"vel":653.04,"mpox":0.03265,"mpoy":-0.50854}} {"sr":{"posx":0,"posy":0,"vel":0,"stat":3,"mpox":0,"mpoy":0}}
Is this a bug or could I have some config related issue that could cause this?