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MemberThe changes of the parameters were made one by one in CP using the console. I double-checked the settings today and they still are correct.
The implementation of changes via Matlab works with a serial port object. I do not really know how to submit Matlab-code here, so I just write down the most important lines of my code:
obj = serial(‘COM’,’BaudRate’,115200,’Parity’,’none’,’FlowControl’,’software’,’DataBits’,8); % Create a serial port object with the specified settings (these have to be the same ones as the settings of your tinyg). As ‘COM’ you have to write the COM-Port your tinyg is connected to.
fopen(obj) % opens the com-port
From now on you can send lines of gcode in json-syntax directly to the tying using fprintf. The changes of Motor 1 settings (in nested code) as example:
You also can send the settings individually like:
… and so onWith fscanf(obj) you will read out the tinyg line per line.
Don’t forget to close and delete the created serial object at the end with fclose(obj) and delete(obj) or you will get a complete mess trying to set up a new connection 😉
MemberHey Guys, there somehow was a mistake in the shown settings before I did my changes. So the reset to the values we have seen in our screenshots were already incorrect. I quickly calibrated the movement of all axes to a precision of +-1mm which should be adequate enough for some testing.
–> Problem solved