I’m having similar problems with TWO boards as No. 17) above. I can jog and send G code but save setting stalls with dialog still open, appears to save but the board goes dead until reboot. Buffer seems to load slowly when connecting in Chilipeppr and stalls during save.
One worked fine a week ago when I last had it running. The other is brand new. I can connect with coolterm and change things but even though I change $1tr= to any value and it shows that value with $m or $$ the motor still acts like it’s set to something else and moves way too far for G0 X.1.
I upgraded the old board to 440.15 and left the new one as is. I thought I was doing something wrong but judging from the above post I’m guessing it’s no me, this time. 🙂 This is not good as we have a couple of CNC machines we made for other folks by convincing them this is as reliable as our Mach3 run machine.