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MemberWith the weekend over, I grabbed from work a stepper motor controller I had built for an older proejct earlier this year. It’s based around the big easy stepper driver, found here. This stepper driver is based around the Allegro A4988, a popular stepper driver.
I wired the controller up to the same motor and power supply I tested earlier. The controlled worked and the motor moved (until the higher amperage motors burned the driver – whoops!).
The motor did not move smoothly, so I am waiting until I have from ebay some 3A drivers to try and confirm whether the problem is the power supply or the tinyg – so far I’m leaning towards the problem being the tinyg. I still need help on this.
MemberI have done more work on trying to debug this situation and am no further. I am still unable to move a motor and, after attempting to move the motors, need to completely reset the tinyg in order to get it to respond to me again.
I have done the following since my last post:
1. Slowly changed the current
2. Experimented with different feed and traversal rates
3. Switched to and fro inches/milimeter in case there was a command that was way off due to unit confusion
4. Checked the power supply again – in fact, it’s the power supply recommended in one of the wiki pages, found here:
5. Measured current during motor being ran by placing the voltmeter in series with the ground wire on the tinyg’s power supply. Running one motor, WHETHER it’s NEMA17 or 23, pulls .6A – which is low. Then the freeze occurs.I really don’t want to have to purchase another $130 on a control board when the tinyg showed so much promise, but at this point I’m at a loss of where to go or what to try with the setup. Please help!
Member@zootalaws – I have not done that tuning yet. I certainly hope I ahve no broken it – I haven to done anything with the board besides carefully plug it in and attempt this one jog move. I have not followed that document but will try so when I can tonight and report back to you.
On the question of the voltmeter – I have confirmed a steady 24 volts out on the power supply, before and during the motors being ran. I see no spikes. What else should I be checking with the voltmeter?
@cmcgrath5035 – Here is the requested reposting of the $$ control computer is Windows 10, running SPJS on the same machine – version serial-port v1.92. I’m doing everything through Chilipeppr w/ tinyg.
I am attempting a jog of .1 mm, though have also ran commands like g1 f400 x50 – and nothing happens, though it does hum for the length of time that chilipeppr thinks its moving.
It is a 3 axis screw machine – I simply haven’t dont any config settings within the tiny-g so far and was just trying to move an individual motor. The NEMA 23 I tested is attached to the machine – the x-axis – the NEMA 17 I tested is just a floating motor, nothing attached. So I have tested the motors free floating.
I don’t think it’s mechanical. I can easily move the screws when the motor is unpowered to slowly but surely move the axis across.
As you can see above, I have shown that the 24V out is steady through the attempt to move the motors, though I will try it during the reset process as well.