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MemberHI –
I’m trying to use the tinyg to control a motor using an external stepper driver:, my stepper driver has the following signal interface: Step +, step -, dir+, dir -, en+, en-
rather than “Step, Enable Dir and GND” . Is there a way I can still use TinyG to control this stepper driver?
from the data sheet”PUL+ and PUL- is the positive and negative side of control pulse
signal; Dir + and Dir – is the positive and negative side of
direction signal; EN + and EN- is the positive and negative side of
enable signal”gabriellalevine
Memberhi – thanks –
i dont care what speed it spins,I’m just trying to use coolterm to pipe in a value so 1 motor can spin individually or all at once in order to trim the current pots.
I can’t get any motor to spin at a constant speed through cool terminal
I CAN send a text file over from the sample g code examples.
but when I type in : “G1 X502.64 F3015.8” through CoolTerm :
“{“r”:{},”f”:[1,0,19,78]}” is returned but nothing spins.
Memberrestarting my machine helped with that – I guess that usb serial port was actually opened…
Anyway, things are working now, still don’t understand what caused the issue yesterday but at least things are up and running. Thank you again for the help with debugging serial com issues
MemberThanks so much for all that – that is very helpful for debugging –
in coolterm, I now am seeing the usb serial port listed . and set all the settings : baud 115200, parity none, data bits 8, CTS checked…
>>I am still continually getting ‘unable to connect : access denied error 100’
what can be causing this?
trying to figure this out but will also upgrade FW for tinyg -