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  • in reply to: Quiet Cut Spindle On ChiliPeppr with TinyG #8949

    Sorry, missed your post.
    To understand PWM spindle setup have a look at this:

    A quick answer, set $p1pof=0.0, then issue an M5 Gcode command.
    You spindle should spin down to orpm

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    in reply to: Tiny G not doing what chilipeppr simulation do #8948

    OK, I have not see a machine set up like this before, appears to be a large (in x and y and z) screw machine (or similar) based on parameters. The jerk values seem low, but that is in comparison to belt machines such as ShapeOko and Ox.
    You will have to experiment with jerk settings unless you have a circle of friends who have already done that.

    Does Camworks give you the option to output Gcode without arcs, replacing them with short segments?(perhaps 0.01)? I believe you are subject to some arc corner case situations similar to this thread:

    That is being worked, but not ready for prime time.

    Also, when you are ready to try ful x-y-z- homing, read this wiki item:

    You will need to change your Z axis parameter such that $ztm=0, $ztn=-150.
    The tinyG homing cycle code home to 0 at top, moves down from there.

    in reply to: Tiny G not doing what chilipeppr simulation do #8946

    OK, the second video is helpfull.

    Does any Gcode run OK on this machine?
    For example, how about the Chilipeppr logo Gcode?

    Can you provide a dump of your parameter set (a $$ dump)?

    Meanwhile, I have flagged this for a look-see by the developers

    in reply to: Tiny G not doing what chilipeppr simulation do #8944

    Sorry, aside from the current position of the spindle, I am not seeing the difference.

    Can’t you describe what to look for?

    in reply to: CNC troubles after update #8942

    One of the things that really has me baffled, is how it worked before the update and now it doesn’t… this indicates to me one of 2 things…

    1. Something in the update changed that caused the issue.
    2. The update firmware didn’t install correctly.

    I believe your install is now OK and parameters are correctly set.

    As to item #1, I suspect an accumulation of arc move improvements you are now seeing in 440.20 has resulted in your original Gcode file no longer being compatible with the Gcode interpreter in tinyG.
    That may be a bug in tinyG or may be a bug(or settings issue) in CamBam.
    I will pass the Gcode file to the Devs for analysis

    To me, the looks to be overly complex, with three or 4 arcs making up each circle. I have an idea why that might be, am not sure and won’t waste space here with the discussion.

    While the devs chew on this, you could proceed using CamBam in ‘short segment’ mode.
    You might also look for a CAD environment that includes a direct Gcode output capability.
    If you use short segment mode, keep in mind that the minimum X or Y move your machine can make is 60/(200*8)=0.0375mm. It does not make a whole lot of sense to generate segments that are significantly shorter than 0.01 or 0.02mm, as such short moves will simply be accumulated until a 0.0375mm move can be sent to the motors.

    You are by no means the first to experience an issue similar to this.
    Sometimes it is a bug, sometime a rework of the tool chain.
    Keep in touch if you find “a better way to do it”.

    For ease of location, this is the Gcode file that will not run properly, I am repeating it here so the Devs can easily grab it.

    in reply to: CNC troubles after update #8938

    Z axis – Ah so, I am unfamiliar with the terminology they are using, but , upon looking closely, can see the long travel per rotation. SO “lead=8mm” is the key term. Thanks for the ACME screw education.

    Arcs – yup, I scaled it 1ncorrectly

    Try this one, I dragged it in to CP and the extents look OK in 3D viewer
    Machine will be in MM mode when it runs.

    in reply to: CNC troubles after update #8934

    Z-Axis – I completely understand your philosophy w.r.t. I have a setting that works, whether or not it is ‘correct’. Something is wrong/defective/miswired in your setup and it might come back to bite you later. If, for example, the microstep inputs to the motor driver were shorted or open(they are connected to two port pins on the tinyG MCU)it would create an offset between the number of pulses sent by tinyG to the motor controller, based on its computation of how far each pulse would move, an the motion created by the motor controller. But setting the $3mi=4 still tracked so something else is going on.
    One final request, then we will drop Z axis: With your finger, reach in and manually rotate the z axis roughly 1 rotation; does the spindle move roughly 2mm or roughly 8mm?

    Arcs (which I believe is Gcode related) – The file I have posted at

    is a mm mode version of your original .dxf file. Each of the circles is rendered as 2 180 deg arcs. The final dimension of the parts should be correct, if I did my conversion correctly.

    This will tell us that tinyG is capable of making your part correctly. If yes, then we need to figure out why tinyG is misinterpreting the Gcode you created when compared to the Gcode I created.

    Thanks for being the experimenter here

    in reply to: CNC troubles after update #8931

    Arc issue, Z axis travel issue, or both?

    Did you try these Gcodes:

    Please post an fresh $$ dump

    By the way, your Z axis motor is direct drive, correct (not belt drive)?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    in reply to: TinyG feedback #8928

    Thanks for your expanded description of your objective. What you describe is in fact what I assumed you were attempting to implement, so we are relatively in synch with this discussion.

    Here is how I would ask this question of the developers:

    ” During a G28.2 homing cycle, can a status report be generated that reports the axis position at the instant a homing switch is operated, before the position value is reset to = 0 as the axis completes homing clcle.

    Use Case: Consider a homing cycle initiated when a previously homed machine is at arbitrary position X1, Y1, Z1. The value of X position when the $xsn operates should be (-$Xlb) if the machine has been perfectly tracking since the original homing cycle. If not, the machine has drifted and requires maintenance ”

    If you understand and agree with this wording ( a bit clearer at least to me what you need), post (or modify and post) the question here:

    That is where the developers hang out

    Assuming you can get the position information you desire, keep in mind a couple of obvious error sources that you will have to deal with:
    A. The difference between mechanical operate/non-operate position in your homing switch. The zero point is actually $xzb away from the non-operate point, but you would get the operate point from the status.
    B. The accumulation of moves smaller than the finite resolution of the machine(the distance each axis moves when a step is sent to the motor controller)

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    in reply to: CNC troubles after update #8927

    One other thing that has been happening since I updated that I forgot to mention is that the TinyG seems to miss commands…

    We’ll have to wait until you complete the $defa=1 process.
    If it in fact ‘fixes’ your situation, it is hard to predict how the current state might be affecting command execution.

    Keep in the back of your mind that commands that call for moves smaller than the minimum move do not result in machine motion, rather they are accumulated until a move is possible.
    An example:
    For your machine, with 1 revolution = 60mm move and 200 steps per revolution and 8 microsteps per step, the minimum move is 60/(200*8) = 0.0375mm in X direction. This is the distance moved when one step pulse is sent to the motor controller.
    If using the CP Jog interface set to 0.01, it will take 4 clicks of the jog to create motor response

    in reply to: TinyG feedback #8923

    I am not a programmer for tinyG at the level you are targeting, but use questions like yours to dig in and find out when possible.
    I suggest you have a look here:

    There is a lot of good info in the Wiki, but can be difficult to find. I find this search add-on to be very useful. You need a (free) github login for the tool to work properly, I believe.

    So searching the wiki for ‘qr’, I found this

    which should answer your qr question.
    By the way, I would not assume that tinyG sends a status report synchronized to the homing switch operation. If it did, it would report position = 0 in the G53 coordinate system.

    I assume you have read all there is to read in the wiki on homing cycles.
    Referencing this

    My read of this reference says that as each axis is homed, the position of the machine will be = [the physical location of the switch] + Zero Backoff and the G53 coordinate for that axis will be zero.
    So, for example, when a G28.2 command completes, the X axis will be at 0 and the switch location will be -$xzb, both in the G53 coordinate system.

    The X position of the machine just prior to the homing switch operation (pressed) will be a value that is relative to some arbitrary point where the machine was last homed or tinyG was reset, which says to me that would not be a useful value to you.

    That help?
    Note that the Wiki Comments:

    Note: In high-end CNC machines there is often no user-accessible homing cycle as machine zero is set at the factory and does not need to be set by the end user. See Peter Smid’s CNC Programming Handbook, version 2 for details.

    in reply to: CNC troubles after update #8920

    1. Plenty of accuracy
    2. Changing the number of microsteps to 4 produced the correct results.
    TinyG computes the travel per microstep, then uses that value to determine how many step pulses to send to the motor driver. The motor driver is programmed by tinyG as to how many microsteps per step. So in this case tinyG sent half as many steps to the Z driver, but each step moved twice as far on each step pulse.

    Two issues are still to be worked: arc misinterpretation and the incorrect relationship between $3tr and reality; the Zaxis will move 2mm per motor revolution, but you need to set $3tr to 8mm to get a desired 1″ move for a 1″ jog.

    Let’s chase the Z axis first.

    First, two more questions popped up in my head
    1. Double check your motors – are they 1.8 degree Step Angle or 200 step per revolution? That is typical, but 400 step (0.9 deg step angle) do exist?
    That still would not explain your necessary *4 setting of $3tr, but would introduce a /2 error.
    2. Please try this mini test. Put your tinyG into mm mode (send a G21 command on the Serial Console), then jog 10 mm, 1mm at a time. We are testing to see if for some reason tinyG’s mm to inch conversion is broken. If jogging 10 times, each 1mm, only moves about 2.5mm (10/4), then the mm to inch conversion is broken.

    The Fix (I predict/hope)
    A. Connect CP to tinyG
    B. Make sure tinyG is in MM mode
    C. In the tinyG Serial Port Console, send a $defa=1 command
    This will clear and reset EEPROM and reset all your parameters to ‘factory default’. You might want to make a copy of $$ dump at this point so you can compare to the current parameters you just posted.
    D. Now one parameter at a time, enter the desired parameters in the Serial Port Console.
    E. when complete, hard reset tinyG (reset button)
    F. Reconnect CP to tinyG and dump $$ again to verify your work.
    G. Try your 1″ jog. If I am correct in running this ‘fix’, it will only jog 0.25″. You will then need to go back and change $3tr=2.0mm to get your 1″ move.
    H. you could try one of your multi-arc jobs again. It is possible that borked EEPROM could be affecting those computations as well.

    Then report back.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    in reply to: TinyG feedback #8918

    I assume you have reviewed wiki information such as

    Assuming you are using a G28.2 command to initiate homing, you could send a status request to tinyG next to read the position in the appropriate coordinate system.

    If a given switch is activated as homing only, with for example $xsn=1, that switch is only active when a homing cycle command is executed. If $xsn=2 or 3, limit or limit and homing, the switch will act as a limit switch except when a homing cycle is initiated by command.
    If the switch is activated when NOT executing a limit cycle, the switch activation will be interpreted as a limit action, immediately halting tinyG and recoverable only by reset, which will reset the current position of tinyG to 0,0,0.

    in reply to: tinyg always moves to far, by factor ~25 #8917

    OK, good news for you.

    It is difficult to predict the root of your original problem.
    We see, occasionally, corruption of internal constants and parameters that get cleared (reset) with a FW upgrade or when a $defa=1 command gets executed.

    I recommend that you frequently keeps backups of your $$ parameter sets.

    Also, exercise caution when coding custom software that downloads parameters to tinyG. It is best to send parameters one at a time, waiting for a tinyG acknowledgement before proceeding.

    Good luck with your project

    in reply to: tinyg always moves to far, by factor ~25 #8912

    You do need to update your FW, but 440.14 should not be behaving like this.

    >>> If you are, perchance, using tgFX, stop here.
    tgFX is no longer supported.
    We’ll have a whole different discussion on how to proceed.

    What do you use as a GUI interface (Chilipeppr, CoolTerm, ….)?
    You say you reset to factory defaults, then obviously tweaked some, but not all of your parameters.
    How did you make parameter changes? ChiliPeppr CLI, ChiliPeppr configuretinyG widget, CoolTerm,… ?

    What you posted is a somewhat unusual configuration.
    You have the Z axis set to $3tr=40mm, same as X and Y.
    You have $_mi=1, no microstepping on X,Y, and Z.
    Your motors are assigned to X,Y,Z and A.
    I believe XCarve has two Y motors, you have them both connected to a single driver (motor 2 driver)?

    What setup guidelines are you following?

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