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ModeratorWhen you have a chance, wander around all the Wiki items, lots of info in there. Don’t try to read for deep info, try to read for reminders where to look again when thinks go the wrong way.
ModeratorHmmmm, not what I was saying.
Motors work fine and I can jog all over the place as long as I don’t hit a limit switch. If I do: flashing SpDir and unresponive motors.
What you quote is correct.
What did you expect?
Think of hitting a limit switch as a fatal, non-recoverable error.cmcgrath5035
ModeratorIf you have limits enabled AND you touch a limit switch, SpnDir flashes and tinyG halts. The only way to recover is a hard reset.
So based on the evidence, sounds like you wired up properly and properly configured NC/NO. If you had not set NC/NO properly, tinyG would immediately fire.
ModeratorUnfortunately, your experiments are not much help without more context.
For example, when you connected the A4988s, what commands did you send and from what control system?I assume you tried to measure current with the ammeter function of a VOM, not a voltmeter. That really won’t work, most of the current in these systems is narrow pulses that cannot be read with a Multimeter (VOM).
My best suggestion – mechanically disconnect one or all of your motors from the Machine, connect tinyG and use CP or Coolterm to send some moves to spin each motor. Report results.
ModeratorAnd, what ‘move’ are you attempting? Try jogs of at least 1mm per click.
It’s possible to configure CP to joog .01 or .001mm, which don’t always generate motion.
I don’t think that is your problem, because such a move request would just be accumulated, not cause tinyG to crash.cmcgrath5035
Moderatorhlfshell – Please copy your $$ dump to a cloud file (dropbox, gdrive, etc.) and post a URL here – much easier to read.
You parameter look a bit strange to me.
They show X,Y,Z and A axis all active, with same $_tr = 1.25mm, which sort of says you have a 4 axis screw machine. Is that correct?
We don’t see many 4 axis screw machines here, but of course they exist.Are you able to manually rotate any of the axes?
It is possible that your ballscrew bearings are adjusted too tight.To debug, you could mechanically disconnect a motor, say the Z axis motor, then see if a jog or G0 Z10 command will spin the stepper.
Note that with $mt=2 secs, all motors should energize at their current position(and hum) for 2 seconds after hitting tinyG reset, then go to standby low power mode(nohum).
If you have a Voltmeter, also check that 24V remains solid during the reset process. We have seen some supplies with defective current limiters drop output voltage when loaded.
When you report back, also describe your control computer.
Running SPJS (version = ?) on same machine?
Also note that tinyG has an onboard hardware termination for the USB link – an FTDI device. So you computer may report seeing the USB link UP even when tinyG FW is not running or has crashed. And, the FTDI device has been known to look ‘sane’ to a connected PC when it is powered by much less than 3.3v, its normal Vcc.cmcgrath5035
ModeratorHmmm, never seen that question.
Suggest you send this tocmcgrath5035
ModeratorThat sort of detail(depth) is beyond the scope of what goes on here in this forum.
You might want to snoop around here, where the developers hang out and folks ask deep questionsIt will not address you specific question, but many of the items have pointers to how-its-done
ModeratorYou present a different definition of the problem, one which I understand and find interesting.
You idea of wiring the switches is an interesting one, you should try it.But, how do you ‘properly’ align the two limit switches to be perfectly square? It would seem that two switches could introduce misalignment if the gantry were ‘perfect’ but the switches were off a bit…..?
ModeratorThis is the first I have seen of this idea, have to seriously doubt it is supported because there is nothing, as I see the system, to differentiate between Motors assigned to the Y axis.
It probably could be supported in FW, buy it is unclear how one would properly zero Y1, then Y2. The whole idea behind using two Y motors is to minimize drag with only one side of the gantry being energized. The potential drag would be accentuated if one side of the gantry was connected to a motor that was de-energized but still parts of the mechanical ‘circuit’.
IMHO, zeroing Y with both motors energized mechanically averages any differences between drives to Y1 and Y2.
Just my thoughts, your thoughts welcome as well.
ModeratorNot sure where I picked up the incorrect URL, thanks for update.
Perhaps a bad connection from switch into tinyG?Best way to communicate settings is $$ command, scrape results to a text file and post to a cloud drive, then URL here.
good luck on next steps
ModeratorInteresting thread you added just above.
Do you know if you are using a USB3 port on your Ubuntu 16.10 machine?
That would not explain why you setup “originally” worked until you reflashed the DUE, of course.(per your original post here)cmcgrath5035
ModeratorThe parameter sets are not the same when poste d to the forum and then to dropbox.
One clear difference is microsteps = 4 vs microsteps = 8.
Which parameter set applies to your issue?WHat you describe would imply that one motor was in fact not working properly.
Can you disable one Y motor, then the other, to see if one motor is just not working?
Disabling would release the holding flux causing movement to ‘rack’ the axisWhat you describe, y axis racking, seems to imply one Y motor is stuck holding position while the other is moving. Could be wiring, could be defective hardwre, no likely firmware (known to work OK by others)
ModeratorWhat does CLI command “ls -l /dev/ttyA*” report after boot?
Three ports?
What version o G2 did you flash to the DUE?For test purposes, try 78.03 from