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ModeratorThe Chilipeppr logo test gGode has a built-in pause, for tool change or whatever.
You have to resume gCode, I believe with the play icon in the gCode widget.
I believe there is a pop-up that appears when this pause is executed?cmcgrath5035
ModeratorThere are two motion controllers supported here in this Forum,
tinyG – Wiki at
G2core – Wiki at of your questions above are addressed in the wikis, I believe.
But make sure you understand the scope of what is supported and not supported.
The control interface is USB or Serial interface to a host.The wikis generally focus on the basics.
Several open source CAM projects exist that can interface to tinyG and G2core via the serial interface.
Examples are generally for very basic interfaces such as CoolTerm (or equivalents such as Linux putty).CAM projects such as Chilipeppr and CNC.js address many of the operational issues and interfaces. They have their own support and discussion forums.
If you study G2core, you will find it is a superset of tinyG functionality and more 3D printer centric.
ModeratorI have not used SL myself, so am just reading wiki and thinking I understand.
SL are only truly active IF (enabled) AND (axes homed).
I was suggesting turning off SL would get you machine moving again, assuming that perhaps, for whatever reason, SL was declaring a Soft Limit violation.
I’ll also comment that it is likely there has been little testing of limit violation on rotational axes. Few users implement A axis, fewer try to implement Limits on them.
Soft limits are triggered by violation on Min and Max Travel.
Perhaps reset Min to -355 and max to 355 deg as a test?
In reality, maybe, 0 and 360 degrees, being the same location and confusing logic? Just thinking out loud.-
This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by
ModeratorSorry, I was in mixed brain mode working with a Chilipeppr user in another forum. Chilipepper is a CAM overlay for managing tinyG. Implements aggressive buffer based Gcode delivery for speed and smoothness of motion.
So try to ignore those comments.Are you getting unexpected command responses, perhaps in json, or are they status reports?
Try turning off soft limits to see if they are affecting you code.
ModeratorSorry, Forum tool does not always annount a reply comment and I forget to look.
You do have G55 and G56 offsets, but $$ agrees with you that G54s are 0.0.
Could be a Chilipeppr bug, or….This is a unique machine setup, X,Y,A1,A2.
Are A1 and A2 motors driving independent moving elements?I’d suggest you use $_pm=2, in-cycle. That way, motion on any axis will energize all motors, thereby holding position while other axes are moving.
Are X and Y belt drives or something else?
At $_tr=40 mm, I doubt they are screws.
I ask because some of your jerk values seem strange, but I doubt that is your issue.You have soft limits turned on, why?
What was the Alarm that was cleared?One of the things that is messing me up is that although I’m in txt mode I sometimes get a json replay so my text matching gets messed up
Is this when using Chilipeppr?
CP(SPJS) forces tinyG into JSON for a lot of transactions, because SPJS expects JSON in returnDescribe how Labview interfaces – does it interface to the Chilipeppr console, or what?
This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by
ModeratorLots of good info here, more than I can comment on in depth but will provide some hints.
I assume you are building from a fork of G2core edge, creating a custom 100.26 or later $fb.
While I am at it, if you are not familiar with this issues interface It is more focussed on specific issues than this Forum, but reading thru issues and solutions may give useful hints.
G2core 100.xx runs the new Line mode Protocol, which may or may not be fully supported or debugged when interfaced by Chilipeppr/SPJS. I doubt UGS is ready, I have no idea about Goko.
To my knowledge , current Mach3 and LinucCNC are not compatible with G2core, both have their own motion logic nand output Step/Dir Enable directly to drivers.I would suggest you start first by interfacing G2core with CoolTerm or equivalent (I use putty from Linux).
Unless you have changed it, $ej=1 and G2core is locked in JSON mode by default. I find it easier to set $ej=2 and use text commands (my legacy hangup), up to you to choose. ultimately you will want to migrate back to JSON.
There is nothing magic about jogging, CAM interface joging simply sends the appropriate G1 XxYx gcode command to G2core. So experiment moving your machine around with G0 or G1 movesI do not believe the Chilipeppr Parameter widget is currently working with fv=100 builds, there are many new parameters that the widget does not accomodate.
G2core does support mircrosteps=32, but Chilipeppr does not as yet
I highly recommend only making parameter changes from the commandline, one at a time, in mm mode. As your parameter settings mature, change the settings.h file and recompile to make your parameters the defaults.
It will likely be some time before Chilipeppr widget catches up.
Once you can get one, create a $$ dump, paste results to a cloud drive and provide a URL. That saves a lot of questions.And, as you for sure realize, you have made a ton of changes that make your environment unique. Add to that G2core being significantly changed and enhanced with fv=100.x. There could be a lot of items to sort out
ModeratorStart here:
Using Chilipeppr, CNC.js, Coolterm?
Dump your parameters($$ command) to a cloud drive and post a URL. That answers a whole bunch of questions without me asking.cmcgrath5035
ModeratorBe aware that the Controller device has limited logic drive power and some on-board EMI protection. you might want to consider buffering the raw signals on the tinyG header before running thru harnesses to items like the plasma torch height regulator. You might also consider additional filtering on AC inputs to power supplies, the low cost ones used here in DIY space may not be compatible with a real industrial machine room environment.
Good luck with your project.cmcgrath5035
ModeratorNo issue at all pulling logic control for Step-Dir-Enable in front of the driver device. Some folks used to get dual Y drive by using onboard for Y+ and external for the Y- via the header.
I can’t vouch for the “Quality”of that driver, never used it. You can spend $15 to way over $50 for drivers on Amazon, check the specs.
It caught my eye because it was low cost, used a popular driver device and has a big heat sink.
This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by
ModeratorSomething like this
might provide better thermal and noise performance.I have to assume the Plasma process is a tad electrically noisy
BTW, the driver devices on tinyG are in head slug packages, takes a good bit of heat to remove them alive from the PCB
ModeratorI would call it Parallel, pluging-in into the header does not disconnect the logic drive to the Stepper driver.
You could consider using an external stepper driver for Z, rather than messing with cutting and reconnecting traces on the PCB: Header to Torchcontrol, then Torch control to external Z stepper driver. Just leave the tinyG Z winding leads (4) un-connected.
Schematics are here
ModeratorI’ll assume, by keyboard analysis, that D@ is D2, that is just an “I am powered up” LED. Necessary for sure.
D3 and D4 indicate that there is some activity on the USB connection (serial Tx and Rx)I assume that when you power up tinyG, or hit the reset button, that D6, SpinDir, flashes at about 1/sec interval, red for about 10 seconds then extinguishes. That is good. The 10 second interval is the tinyG bootloader running, waiting 10 seconds for you to possibly want to communicate with the bootloader, after which it boots the loaded tinyG FW and the led extinguishes.
Go back to CoolTerm. Make sure you do not have SPJS running.
When you open your Coolterm session, you should see a tinyG mm> prompt.
If you don’t, hit enter on keyboard. If still no luck, hit the reset button on tinyG, after the 10 second delay you should see the tinyG mm> prompt.If no prompt, you are not connected to tinyG.
If prompt, enter a $ then enter, you should see a short dump of parameters.
If still good, enter $$ and enter, now you get a full parameter dump.
Copy the full parameter dump and paste into a text file.
Copy the text file to a cloud drive (Dropbox, Gdrive, etc) and provide a URL so I can look a your full setup.
Also report what your host computer is(Win, MAC, Linux), what browser you are using for Chilipeppr, and how you run SPJScmcgrath5035
ModeratorOn a fresh tinyG (no parameters changed), You should see happen when sending G code:
> M8 – turn Coolant LED on
> M9 – turn Coolant LED off> M3 S10000 – turn SpOn LED on and PWM LED on
> M5 – turn SpON LED and PWM LED off
PWM probably won’t turn off.
Send $p1pof = 0.0 to change the off state phase of PWM to 0.0
Then reset tinyG with reset button (sometimes required for the $p1pof parameter to be re-read)
Retry M3 S10000, then M5
PWM LED now Turn on, Then off?SpOn(and Spin terminal) still stuck off on staying at 0.7V max?
That sounds like a defective port output.
Anything connected to the Spin port terminal?cmcgrath5035
ModeratorThanks for updating Issue 181 as well.
Sending Gcode in mm might have the same effect, in some cases.
The root cause is buried in the computation of the end point of one move and the start point of the next. Reducing loss of precision by eliminating inch to mm conversion math helps. -
This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by