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ModeratorIf it still fails, try setting $gpa=1
$gpa=1 is supposed to be same as $gpa=2, but this is the first I have seen
$gpa=2 used, so this could be a bug.$gpa=1 is the default setting
ModeratorAfter $defa=1, the switch type is NC.
That command replaces all parameters with a default set that may/may not match your machine. You have to re-enter all your parametersYou original parameter set looked OK(quick look), although you do have soft limits turned On, which may interact poorly with physical limit switches
ModeratorWhat you describe is commonly caused by parameter setting issues and/or electrical noise (what Zootalaws is referring to “induction”)
A common source of electrical noise is the spindle motor.
You could try “running your job in air” first with the spindle off, then with the spindle on.
Zero your Z axis above the work surface, then with the spindle disconnected try jogging each axis from the command line or the CNC.js jog interface.
If work OK, try running your Gcode in air, first with the spindle off, then if runs try with spindle enabled(but still in air).A parameter set would really help this discussion move forward.
Run $$ from the command console, copy the results to a file, post the file to a cloud drive and provide a URL-
This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by
ModeratorFrom my end, I don’t know how you have implemented “..(and not have a dual Y axis setup),….”.
Did you change parameters?
Did you physically disconnect Motor 4?Using the parameters you posted on Dropbox above, try this:
From a command console, send $4tr=40.0 command and see the response from tinyG.
Reset tinyG (hit the reset button), run $$ again.Verify that you see $2tr = 40.0 and $4tr = 40.0.
Now see if you can jog the Y axis motors.The problem with the Dropbox parameter set is that you have two different definitions for movement of the Y axis, 40mm per revolution and 2.1166 per revolution. When tinyG tries to make calculations for Y movement, it does not know which one to use.
ModeratorHard to tell from YouTube, Is machine screw or belt?
Do you have a heavy spindle?
Too much jerk or too much velocity can result in missed steps.
Turn Pots all the way up, then slowly reduce jerk until it stops skipping., may work.
NEMA 23s?cmcgrath5035
ModeratorIn the beginning, way back when,there was a plan to develop an interconnection between the first tinyG and a second tinyG board.
Not much interest and that capability was overtaken by other time consumers.
The firmware does decode actions for any four of the 6 axes, X,Y,Z,A,B,C.
I have never heard of commercial Gcode generators that do much, but some folks have built custom three axis rotational machines driven by custom Gcode.If you are really interested in multiple axis machines, have a look at
ModeratorLets start here:
The wiki, particularly, should help you navigate what pin is what.Since you say it worked for a month, I suspect that you did not re-enter your parameter set after executing $defa=1, because the current parameter dump is incorrect for a machine wired as X,Y,Z,Y , or as you describe
– My settings are: 1ma=0, 2ma=1, 3ma=2 and 4ma =1 (the Y-axis is cloned on motor 4).
You likely had a different parameter set in the first month, when the machine “worked”.
The immediate tell-tale is that $2tr=40mm but $4tr=2.116mm, both are driving Y motors so need to be identical.
The “factory default” parameter set, installed by the $defa=1 command, is not likely to be correct for any particular machine.
The parameter set you posted look like a generic Shapeoko setup for an X,Y,Y,Z machine.
What machine do you have?
A custom build?
Buy from someone who set it up previously?Spend time with the wiki, particularly the Connecting and then the Configuring sections.
That should get you back to a point where you can jog in X, then Y, then Z spaces.
Add a picture of your machine connected to the tinyG to your dropbox, and keep the parameter dump up-to-date when you come back.
The parameter dump answers a lot of questionsI might havecmcgrath5035
ModeratorFirst, the easy one
– This is the weirdest part: When all 4 stepper motors are plugged in, (1ma=0 2ma=1 3ma=2 4ma=1), and I try to jog the Y axis (which should activate 2ma and 4ma), instead, the 1ma (z axis) will hum but not move. Basically, this means that the Z axis (motor 1) is being activated when I try to jog the Y axis (motors 2 and 4).
What you describe is normal behavior if you have $_pm=2 setting. (_=1,2,3,4)
Usually, $_pm=2 is preferred. When ANY motor is moving, all static motors are energized to hold thei current position.Two(of many) possibilities for your bigger issue
PWB/mechanical: If you have a multimeter, follow the trace from each output screw block back to it’s respective output pin on the 8825 drier device.
Then measure the resistance from the device lead to the connector screw head. It could be an issue with the connector body.
While you are at it, double check the connections closest to the steppers, most installations have 4 wire 18ga or so cables between tinyG and the steppers, with connectors/splices near the steppers to the 24ga (or so) leads into the steppers. It is easy to bork the connections.Settings: Grab a parameter dump from a console ($$ command) and post it to a cloud drive (gDrive, etc.) and provide a URL. That will save us several iterations of “what is $blah)
ModeratorHere is an old thread on similar topic
TinyG with external drivers: J19 (motor3) and J20 (motor 4) don't work
It confirms your observations, not clear if the build parameter tweaks identified actually yielded a working solution.
You could try tinyG Edge build, available here:
Not clear that 449.01 would help here, but does represent the most up to date tweaks in various areas of the code.
This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by
This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by
ModeratorThat is good news about 449.01.
Release cycles are not really planned as the code base is quite mature.
Release 449.01 has been in Edge for a couple years now so that folks like you could experiment.As you observe, G2core is getting the bulk of the developers focus.
At some point in the future, there will likely be a final (?) tinyG release that includes functionality and capability backported from the G2core base that makes sense for tinyG hardware and compute capabilitycmcgrath5035
ModeratorMany have run into the issue, most it seems have figure ways to mitigate.
Work in MM, tweak post processors and the like.Some have found the current edge, 449.01 better in some situations
ModeratorI believe the answer would be that memory and more importantly compute time (CPU cycles) are nearly exhausted by the current firmware. Thus overall performance (speed of movement) would likely degrade if such changes were attempted.
I am not a dev, have asked them to comment when they have a chance.Your previous post, about reducing the precision of the Gcode generated, is likely to produce more reliable results in the near term as well.
ModeratorThe underlying issue appears to be the precision of math done on the path.
mmArcs are always more precise than inchArcs because tinyG does all it’s work in mm internally, so inch mode Gcode goes thru additional conversion math.mmArcs frequently resolve issues, but not always
8 bit math (microcontroller hardware) is also a contributor
ModeratorThanks, as I expected.
I am not a F360 user, so now I know how one shuts off arc (G2, G3) generation, you do it by setting in the post processor “allowedCircularPlanes = (0 << PLANE_XY) | (0 << PLANE_ZX) | (0 << PLANE_YZ);" Not using arcs is a valid solution, but in many cases the resulting Gcode file is enormous.
This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by