Thx for the hint,
I was think to digital cause i used to set the homing inputs to 0 or 1 for easy axis.
i thought that the input was defined somewhere else and that i only had to enable 1 or disable it 0.
with assigning the correct input to the axis its working like a charm.
next hurdle would be squaring the gantry as it has a motor on either side of it.
my setup is based opun a ooznest OX with 2 stepper drivers for the Y axis and on either side a proximity sensor.
i ant to use these sensors to square out the gantry because the repeataibilty of these sensors is very accurate.
but i dont see it’s implemented yet but a work around by diasbeling 1 motor to home the second one. One huge disatvantage is that the motor is free to move while it needs to be fixed. any idea on this?