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MemberThanks for the tips.
I took the spindle out and saw the allignment could be imroved. Also worked on the delrin nut a bit and it is running mutch smoother now.
It was still overheating but a lot less often. Made a little heatsink out of a square piece of brass to see if that help and it works like a charm.bart_janssen
MemberIt took a bit longer than expected but I have converted the proxxon machine and all is running well. At least for the first minute, then the x-axis starts stuttering. I believe this may be due to the driver shutting down because it’s overheating. I’ve lowered the current a bit and it seems to help a little. The x-axis had a bit more frinction than the others. Would it reduce the load on the driver if I try to resolve that? (not looking forward to take it apart again..)
If I were to order the heatsinks, how do they attach to the board? Are they just soldered on to the board?bart_janssen
MemberGot it working now. The current pot needed to be adjusted more precise than I was doing. Going between not enough current and to much. Both result in the stepper making noise but not rotating. Doing the same in smaller increments made me find the right position.
Thanks for your help!bart_janssen
MemberThanks. Since I don’t have the AVRISPMKII programmer I used avrDude to flash the arduino with the 0.7 version. That looks like it made a difference. The green LED’s D2, D3 and D4 now light up and blink when I try to stream a g-code file. The motor now makes al little noise aswell but still doesn’t turn. Unfortunately I don’t have the time to look into it a bit more right now. Don’t suppose it matters there is only 1 stepper connected?
MemberOk. I bought these steppers and a MeanWell 24V 13A powersupply.
Checked the PSU to see if the polarity markings were correct and connected it to the grblShield. Then connected the stepper to the shield and applied power to see if the led lit up. It did.
Turned off the PSU and plugged the shield into an arduino duemilaneuve with GRBL on it and connected the USB cable to my computer. Started processing to run the gctrl.pde sketch. Error RXTX version missmatch. Downloaded the latest version and removed other versions.
When I now run the sketch again it returns no errors and the console says: Grbl 0.6b
‘$’ to dump current settings
When I open a gcode file it seems to stream ok. Console shows the command followed by an OK from GRBL.
Problem is when I look at the stepper nothing appears to be happening. Did I miss something? Tried to raise the current but that doesn’t seem to make any difference.Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks! Bartbart_janssen
MemberJust received a notification my steppers are in the mail. Deceided to go with a smaller (and cheaper) model since i wouldn’t be able to get the full power from these.
I’ll let you know when i have them running. -