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Memberthe trim pots are at about 65% my motors are nema 23, 285oz oz\inch steppers.. but I have had two times where missed steps have happened, cutting pine, 3mm depth of cut, running about 700mm a minute feed rate, 22,000rpm with a 3mm two flute end mill. the missed steps are always on the X axis.. my motors arent hot at all but I’ve had two scrapped parts to what appear to be dropped steps.
my y axis (double driven) has never had an issue nor has my z axis though it doesn’t receive much resistance nor for long. and it’s always during long cuts in the X direction. usually 300mm or longer.
I dont have a non-contact thermometer nor do I have an ammeter connected to my axis’ but my suspicion is that a long, deep depth of cut on the single axis is causing it to overheat the chip. I will try maxing out the trim pot on that axis I guess..
I must also say that I have a 50mm CPU fan blowing down on top of the chips which I thought would be sufficient for how hard I’m working the machine, which I thought was not that hard at all.. if anything it’s hard on the spindle and cutter, which seem to be working just fine.
having measured the top at 5mm by 10mm I may just get some double stick thermal tape and some raspberry pi alu heat sinks and stick them to the top of the driver chips..