Forum Replies Created
MemberThanks for pointing this out. We’ve been looking at your math to see how it affects things. We’ll post later.
MemberAnother help issue. Will fix. To shut off status reports set status verbosity to zero $sv=0. As of 0.95 Si only does the intervale and is not overloaded to also shut off reports.
MemberPoint taken. Will update.
March 20, 2013 at 6:34 pm in reply to: Limit switches not working, config changes not being saved #3899alden
MemberThanks for the diagnosis. This will make it easier to fix. Technically the EEPROM ins unit-less, and assumes all parameters are in MM. So what’s probably happening is the the input conversion is not working properly and it thinks the inches value you are entering is actually a MM value, which of course it is not. Then it sores the value as an incorrect MM value. I’ll check this out.
Most definitively a bug. Thanks for pointing it out. I’ll post again once it’s fixed.
March 20, 2013 at 2:51 pm in reply to: Limit switches not working, config changes not being saved #3896alden
MemberI posted after you posted. I’ll leave my post below the —— and address your issue.
– Units are not saved. All internal units are in MM. The units mode is only used to perform conversions. See —- More post ——, below
– Issuing $gun only tells you what the default mode is set to. It doesn’t change anything
– I will verify your procedure and diagnose your case. I think it looks like a bug – so I’ll fix it.
——- More post —–
I think I need to work on the documentation. Here’s what I suspect is happening.
All TinyG’s internal values are kept in mm. This is true for Gcode positions (X, Y Z), as well as for settings. If the Gcode UNITS mode is MM (G21), then all input is accepted as MM, and everything is reported in MM. If you change to Inches mode (G20), then all the positions and settings are inpout as inches and displayed as inches. These values are converted to MM on inout and output. Internally, they are all MM.
To illustrate this try the following:
G0 x0
G0 x25.4
You will see the X axis at 25.4 mm in the first status display, and 1 inch in the second. The command line prompt tells you what units mode TinyG is in.
If you want to enter your settings in inches mode be sure the board is in inches mode. Same goes for MM. Ge aware that a g20 or g21 in a Gcode file WILL CHANGE the mode of the board. Like Gcode says it should.
Now for the power-on default settings. If you have $gun=0 the board will power up or rest to inches mode. If you have $gun=1 it will be in MM mode.
Please try this again and see if it works.
MemberTinyG does not support canned cycles. I’m not familiar enough with CamBam to know how it does this, but I expect there should be some way it can generate the Gcode to run a cycle. Sorry I can;t be more help here.
March 19, 2013 at 3:00 pm in reply to: Limit switches not working, config changes not being saved #3887alden
You need to set your variables in the right units mode. To set the units mode enter the following Gcode:
G20 set machine to inches mode
G21 set machine to mm mode
The settings you then enter will be in the units you have just set. Be aware that a G20 or G21 in a Gcode file will set the units mode as well.
You can tell what mode the machine is in by looking at the text mode prompt.
You can also set the mode the machine starts in after reset
$gun=0 sets inches mode on reset
$gun=1 sets mm mode on reset
Please try this and see if you are still having problems. If so, it might be a bug – but at the current time I’m not sure that it is.
March 18, 2013 at 6:23 pm in reply to: Limit switches not working, config changes not being saved #3885alden
MemberOK. This should be fixed in build 370.06 from the master branch.
MemberThat’s great. Thanks for documenting this. Please let us know how this project goes.
March 18, 2013 at 6:54 am in reply to: Limit switches not working, config changes not being saved #3882alden
MemberLet’s hit the issues one by one.
– First, confirming you are on build 370.05
1. You have discovered a bug in the switch settings. I will need to fix that an make a new push. We have just started shipping TinyG with a boot loader. Does you board flash the Spindle PWM LED when you hit reset? If not, you can reflash the board using an AVRISP mkii programmer, or we can do a swap with you. Sorry for the inconvenience.
2. Looks like the settings are correct, but they are reporting in Inches units. If you type g21 do they come back correctly? If you want the board to power up in mm mode type $gun=1—gcode-default-units
3. The coolant controls seem to be working normally on my board – I’m not sure what you are experiencing. The Mist and Flood share the same pin, which is the coolant on/off pin. The Spindle PWM should not be affected. Can you confirm that you get the following behaviors –
– M7 turns on coolant light
– M9 turns off coolant
– M8 turns on coolant
– M9 turns it off again
The Spindle PWM does not light in any of these cases.
Check that your opto can handle a 3v logic signal. The board is 3.3v and the outputs are about 3v.
Hope this helps
MemberThanks for your note. We are not yet supporting 0.9 as it hasn’t quite emerged from beta. When we do we’ll publish the specs on the wiki – which is now over at gitgub – see github/synthetos/grblshield.
You will not need a patched version – you can get 0.9 from the grbl website.
Technically you won’t need the shapeoko mod, but I’m not sure about the best way to handle the Z axis yet. I’ll be experimenting with this and write it up on the wiki.
MemberThat’s a relief. Good to know.
I assume you are using AtmelStudio6 for this? Can you list your settings so I can compare to what I use?
Also, have you tried using the bootloader? It’s experimental now but is working well for a few folks that are testing it. It’s in the dev branch and documented here:
Good progress. Have you tried the bootloader in dev? You might also consider reflashing your mkii with a new firmware.
MemberAlways glad to hear it (and sorry for your loss!). I hope you don’t mind me using this case for the troubleshooting page.