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  • in reply to: Y and A not working together nicely #4274

    As long as it works you are fine. There’s no reason you can’t use motor4 for the Y2. The mapping is completely arbitrary. I know people that re-arranged their motor mapping because their machine wiring was too short on one axis and moving the axis to the edge of board saved 3 inches! (they shall remain nameless).

    in reply to: Retrieving motor settings #4272

    Yes, you have that right. Any group sent with a null value (“”) will return the members of that group. Here are some other examples:

    {“2″:””} returns motor 2 settings
    {“x”:””} returns X axis settings
    {“sys”:””} returns system settings
    {“g54″:””} returns offsets for G54 coordinate system
    {“hom”:””} returns system homing state

    See here for the JSON overview:

    Here is a list of available groups that are now on the wiki here:

    {“1″:””} return motor 1 settings
    {“x”:””} return X axis settings
    {“sys”:””} return system settings
    {“pos”:””} return work coordinate positions fox XYZABC axes. In mm or inches depending on G20/G21
    {“mpo”:””} return absolute machine positions fox XYZABC axes. Always in mm, regardless of G20/G21
    {“ofs”:””} return current offsets fox XYZABC axes. Sums coordinate system and G92 offsets. in mm.
    {“hom”:””} return homing state fox XYZABC axes, and ‘e’ for the entire machine. 1=homed, 0=not.
    {“p1″:””} return PWM channel 1 settings (currently there is only 1 PWM channel)
    {“g54″:””} return offsets for work coordinate system #1 (G54)
    {“g55″:””} #2
    {“g56″:””} #3
    {“g57″:””} #4
    {“g58″:””} #5
    {“g59″:””} #6
    {“g92″:””} return G92 offsets currently in effect
    {“g28″:””} return coordinate saved by G28 command
    {“g30″:””} return coordinate saved by G30 command

    in reply to: Y and A not working together nicely #4271

    Glad it worked. I tried to document this better and posted a page on how to set up a dual gantry rig on the wiki.

    in reply to: Y and A not working together nicely #4253

    Can you please post your settings for the motors and axes? I’d start by looking at the configuration.

    Question: Are you trying to run a dual motor Y gantry? If so, then the best way to do this is to set up Y normally, then map motor 4 to the Y axis by setting $4ma=1 (the Y axis). You may also need to make sure the Y on motor 4 has polarity reversed. All other settings should be the same.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 8 months ago by alden.
    in reply to: TinyG USB powering only ? #4248

    It’s normal.

    The TinyG requires Vmot applied – it does not take power from the USB line. Any voltage from 12 volts to 30v will power the board, so perhaps you have a 12 volt DC wall-wart or a PC supply you can use. Please be SURE of the polarity before you connect anything – reversing the polarity will damage the board.

    in reply to: Another firmware flash required #4245

    Edward, Thanks for the note and the diagnosis. I actually drew that crude picture on the Shapeoko forum to advise people to disconnect the power and not the ground.

    I will try to reproduce your issue with the good instructions you have provided.


    in reply to: Another firmware flash required #4242


    Thanks for the diagnosis. I can also see the blue lights and USB LEDs flash if I move a motor.

    Question: In this situation do you normally have the power supply connected or disconnected? (Whether or not it’s actually turned on).

    I also have to ask – is the Estop switch in line with the positive DC voltage (+24volts), or does it break the ground and leave the positive line connected?

    I am able to get the blue lights and startup USB LEDs to light as well, but my board survives this and has not lost flash.

    One last question – can you read me the chip number off the MCU? It’s going to be either ATXMEGA192A3 or ATXMEGA192A3U

    Thanks for the help


    in reply to: Another firmware flash required #4238


    Are you disconnecting the board using the Estop? I’m wondering if transients on the DC power line are killing the board. Also, if so, was the board running when it was stopped, or was it idle?

    Let’s see if we can get to root cause on this. Do you have 2 boards? Is the behaviour the same on both? If it’s a transient problem perhaps it would be useful to experiment with a capacitor across the Estop.

    BTW: Turning the motors will cause the green LEDs to flash due to the back-EMF from the motors – this is normal and should not be an issue.


    in reply to: TnyG v8? #4236

    v8 is already out and shipping. It’s very similar to the previous boards except that it has screw terminals for outputs and switches and some other changes. We are working on an expandable board that should be out later this year.

    in reply to: Homing problem 377.08 (edge) #4231

    Glad you got it working, and I appreciate the thoughts. The version 8 board has the homing connections brought out on screw terminals. We do try to advance the board – I guess this is little comfort as you have a v7, but your suggestions are welcome.

    I also did a re-write of the homing pages to make it easier to walk through. See:

    in reply to: Wierd behaviour on A #4228

    OK. I think I might know what’s going on. If you want a value of 1 for A to be 1 complete revolution (360 degrees) then the radius value should be 1/(pi*2) or 0.15915494. Try this for the $ara value. Then the value of 1 will move 360 degrees. Even though the 8 places of precision is not displayed is is kept in the system and will cause ‘1’ to translate to 360 degrees exactly.

    The $4tr value just translates the rotation for your gearing (4.5 : 1) They are independent of each other.

    Oh… and apologies that the units displays are not correct for some of these values int the displays. That’s a small bug that I need to fix.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 8 months ago by alden.
    in reply to: Wierd behaviour on A #4227

    If your goal is to specify A rotation in degrees I would not use radius mode. Perhaps you have this worked out so it translates, but I have not worked through your math to see if this is correct. Presumably you have seen these topics, bit I list them here for reference:—travel-per-revolution—axis-mode—radius-value

    To set up A for a 4.5 gearing I would do the following

    $4tr=80 (as you have done)
    $aam=1 (standard mode)
    $ara — don’t care. It won’t be used.

    I also notice that your A feed rate max exceeds your max velocity, which is not normally the case.

    in reply to: Wierd behaviour on A #4226

    If your goal is to specify A rotation in degrees I would not use radius mode. Perhaps you have this worked out so it translates, but I have not worked through your math to see if this is correct. Presumably you have seen these topics, bit I list them here for reference:—travel-per-revolution—axis-mode—radius-value

    To set up A for a 4.5 gearing I would do the following

    $4tr=80 (as you have done)
    $aam=1 (standard mode)
    $ara — don’t care. It won’t be used.

    I also notice that your A feed rate max exceeds your max velocity, which is not normally the case.

    in reply to: Building a tinyg with custom settings #4222

    Master is the “official” stable build. But unfortunately it’s quite a bit behind the current state; something I hope to remedy this coming week as I am not (otherwise) working.

    I’d call edge the beta build. I try to push only if I think it’s stable, but it has not been shaken down beyond what I can do myself. So edge is currently the place to go.

    Dev is a sandbox environment for development. There’s not guarantee that it even compiles, let alone runs well. Often what’s in dev is test or experiment of some sort. Best to be avoided.

    The profile header is the way to go if you want to hard-wire up a profile. The best way is to create your own profile, then add it to the list of profiles and the set of profiles in profile.h, then uncomment it and comment out the rest. A rather crude form of compile-time binding, but it works.

    in reply to: Building a tinyg with custom settings #4219

    I should be able to get to putting the .cproj file up on edge over the weekend.


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