TinyG USB powering only ?

Home Forums TinyG TinyG Support TinyG USB powering only ?

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    I plan to use TinyG on my Shapeoko.
    I do not have access to my machine right now (so no 24v psu) and I’d like to try the board. Im’ actually writing a software for configuring the tinyG.
    I’d like to test only the dialog, not the motors.

    I tried to only plug the USB wire only, thinking it will turn on the board without being able to move the motor, such as the grbl shield whose arduino is powered by USB).

    Is it normal that it doesn’t turn on ? No light, nothing…
    If so, I’ll have to wait until I have access to my CNC psu


    It’s normal.

    The TinyG requires Vmot applied – it does not take power from the USB line. Any voltage from 12 volts to 30v will power the board, so perhaps you have a 12 volt DC wall-wart or a PC supply you can use. Please be SURE of the polarity before you connect anything – reversing the polarity will damage the board.

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