Zeroing/ test run

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    You Gdrvie folder or file needs to be shared.
    You will receive an email from Google


    it should be shared. i received the email and shared it to two people.


    Yes, I now have it.

    When I look in that file on Gdrive, I don’t see what you describe above.

    I see

    Are you sure you posted the current settings?

    If so
    $xtm=x size of your machine (1500?)
    $ytm=y size of your machine (1500?)

    Soft limits will still not be in effect, but have $xtn=$xtm=0 might shut off the axis.


    i may have uploaded the wrong settings. the belt is a GT3 with a 25 tooth gear. The machine is a 750X1500. X=750 and Y=1500. If i am at front left corner the X would be my horizontal axis, correct? I am going to see if i can attach a picture in another post. If i can attach the picture I am considering the Y the longest axis.


    I am home and just pulled the current settings from the tinyG. Here they are.


    We need to do the permissions dance again, watch the email


    I just changed it to sharing I just figured out how to change it. Sorry about that, still trying to figure out how to use the Gdrive.


    i may have uploaded the wrong settings. the belt is a GT3 with a 25 tooth gear. The machine is a 750X1500. X=750 and Y=1500. If i am at front left corner the X would be my horizontal axis, correct? I am going to see if i can attach a picture in another post. If i can attach the picture I am considering the Y the longest axis.

    This is a difficult subject. For ShapeOko folks, 0,0 is typically the “lower left” corner and for Ox folks it is normally the “upper right”, but then you will ask “relative to what” and I will say, I don’t know because the machines are more or less symmetrical.

    I suggest zero your machine in the middle, then see if +X and +Y makes sense.

    For most folks, Y is the longer axis, but even that is not really fixed.

    Typically X has one stepper, Y has two, if that helps.


    What you just posted looks same as three hours agoo, all $trs = 1.25mm


    ok so I rechecked the gears and changed the $tr to 60. It seems to move 19.5mm with the command of G1 Y20 F800, so it is darn close. I really appreciate the help. Do you have any other suggestions.


    You have a big machine – Y range 1500 mm.
    Set a (0,0) near the mechanical Y0.
    Do a
    G1 Y1000 F800
    moderate speed long move,
    measure the actual distance with a good meter stick.
    The adjust $_tr on your Y motors by *(distance_measured/1000).

    Using your example above , you would reset $tr to 60* (19.5/20)=58.5.
    Repeat this until you are satisfied with accuracy.
    Then use the same $tr for Xaxis, retest there.

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