Z Height Issues

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  • #11317

    I’ll preface this by saying i am unsure if this is an issue with user error, CNCJS, ASPIRE, or TINYG.

    For the the life of me the z height I cant seem to figure out. I have not successfully made a full cut on this machine yet. In the pics you can see when i zero out the z height and then z probe i end up more than 1/2″ aay from the workspace.

    I triple checked that that material was set correctly in aspire. Nothing I do gets the z height where it should be. The cut pattern seems correct but obiously z height isnt engaging

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    From your description, I assume your work flow is to design and generate Gcode in Aspire, then use CNCJS as CAM to manage delivery of the Gcode to tinyG.
    I am not fluent in Aspire or CNCJS.

    Perhaps for starters, leave your Aspire Gcode out of the picture.
    Start up your machne with CNCJS connected as CAM.From the Serial console, execute a probe cycle from the command line.
    Here is an old Forum reference https://www.synthetos.com/topics/how-to-locate-workpiece/#post-10934

    See also https://github.com/synthetos/TinyG/wiki/Automatic-Z-Homing-When-Milling-PCBs

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