z-axis mesh correction

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    Hello again,

    I am using my cnc mill with TinyG v7 to mill PCBs and everything is working great. Since I am shifting to SMD components more and more, I am running into some kind of precision problem: I am using v-shape endmills with spiral and 30° angle. With this kind of endmill a achieve cutting widths of about 0.28mm – although my calculator says, it should be less 😉

    Now my problem:
    Some SMD-parts require really small pads with even less space between them, so I need to come down to 0.2mm. This wouldn’t be a problem (I think) if the surface of the PCB-board were perfectly flat, but of course it isn’t.
    I’ve seen other CNC controls on the internet supporting some sort of height map for correcting z-axis movement while milling. First, at some points (e.g. 1cm apart) the exact height is measured, then this mesh is used while processing the gcode.

    Would it be possible to get this kind of feature in TinyG?



    It looks like you’re in luck. Just released an Auto-Level for TinyG inside ChiliPeppr Hardware Fiddle. http://chilipeppr.com/tinyg



    Hello John,

    sorry for not replying sooner. After finally having some time to fiddle around (and update firmware, finding not-saved configuration – of course -, finding a way to get Internet access at my CNC, …) I got your tool running and am just thrilled! Exactly what I was looking for and working like a charm.

    Thank you very much,

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