XY Plotter not smooth on curved path

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    I am running a flatbed XY plotter and have to draw curves.At jerk value “100 in/min^3 * 1 million” and maximum velocity of 50000 mm/min the plotter is not smooth on curves . feed rate is 10000mm/min. It tries to accelerate and then stops and then accelerates. On straight lines it is not an issue.


    Plotter as in pen plotter? That implies a very low mass object being moved around by the X-Y commands.
    Are you using mm mode or inch mode?. You report a rather strange combination of parameters.
    What are you using as a Gcode sender? (UGS, coolterm, Chilipeppr, CNC.js, etc)?
    Hand coded Gcode, or generated by CAD?


    cmcgrath5035 , yes it is a pen plotter. I use mm mode . I use Chilipeppr to sen the G-code and it is generated from illustrator drawing.


    Please dump your parameters to a text file on a cloud drive (Gdrive, dropbox, etc) and provide a URL

    Run $$ in console, then copy results and paste into text file.


    From looking at parameters, I see an XXYA machine,
    2 X motors, a Y motor and a rotator, presummbaly pen up, pen down.

    With so lille mass being moved (pen vs spindle), jerk could be much higher,
    perhaps 5000 to 10000 mm/min^3.

    I doubt the jerk value is the issue, however.
    set $1tr =79.7966, same as $2tr. They should be the same if moving the same axis.

    Maybe post a copy of gcode to cloud as well?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by cmcgrath5035.

    i tried increasing and decreasing jerk and feed rate values… the issue on curved paths is when the feedrate is higher irespective of high or low jerk value… between i will need to set high jerk value to finish the job sooner.

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