Wiring VDF

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    Hi, i would like some help wiring my vfd to tingy. i want to control the speed and on/off from chillpeppr.

    i have very little experience with electronics. using complex terms wouldn’t help.


    here is the type of vfd
    WJ200-022SF: Constant Torque, Sensorless Vector, Single Phase In

    here is the link



    You will need the wiring pinout of your vfd, and you will need the wining pin out of the TinyG.

    Do you have those?


    This is the first instance of this particular unit I have seen. It appears to be very robust and from a quick look well documented. You may get lucky and attract some other users who have already implemented this interface.

    I’ll comment up front that achieving success will be difficult to achieve without some relatively complex terminology and interface implementation.

    tinyG’s spindle control firmware and electronics include On/OFF logic signals, a direction signal (CW or CCW) and a pulse width modulated logic stream on the PWM lead.

    Most VFD’s are controlled by analog inputs, a DC voltage input in the range between 0V and 10V sets the output RPM of the spindle. tinyG does not output such an analog voltage, but it is possible to convert the PWM output to an analog voltage appropriate for controlling the VFD with external circuits.

    A quick read of https://www.driveswarehouse.com/Assets/Document/WJ200R.pdf, page 43 specifically, implies that PWM control of this particular VFD unit may be possible.
    You need to do more research on that topic, PWM control would be more straightforward to implement, but not trivial.

    tinyG logic outputs are “3V logic”, the VFD Pulse inputs are specified at 5 to 24V, so at a minimum you will need a logic level translator between the tinyG PWM stream and the WJ200-022SF Pulse train input

    Following so far?
    Read thru the WJ200-022SF documentation and understand how the Pulse Trail Input operation actually works. That means of control would be the most straightforward to implement.

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