The 2 oz copper on the board and the exposed pads are the heatsink. This (and a fan) is all we need to cool everything TinyG can run. I’ve been using the 2.8 amp Kelings (Automation Technology) that I think you mention.
We used to ship TinyG with the little heatsinks (technically “heat spreaders”) that you probably recall. We removed the heatsinks because we discovered that using a fan to cool the bottom of the board was much more effective. The heat comes from the bottom of the chip, and the chip bottom is soldered via a “power pad” to the top copper and from there to the bottom copper through a bunch of thermal vias.
The other thing we found that was on a few occasions people had managed to blow out their boards because the heatsinks slipped off the chip and contacted the leads. We replaced the boards, but now we don’t like to see heatsinks on the top of the board, and don’t recommend them.
We played with some big heatsinks as you can see here:

If you really wanted to heatsink the board I’d recommend some double sided thermally conductive / electrically insulating tape (see digikey or mouser) and a Duron or some other big CPU heatsink. But I have not needed this.