Where are the firmware files?

Home Forums TinyG TinyG Support Where are the firmware files?

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    I was going to update from 0.93 to 0.94 tonight, but I can’t find the firmware files. The link in the wiki returns a 404.

    I swear I saw some .hex files out there on GitHub before, but now I can’t find them, even when looking through the history.


    Sorry, I messed this up when I merged into master last weekend. We have started posting the current hex files in the Downloads area


    From now on this is where you should look for them – at least for the master branch.




    Thanks… that worked. However, you might want to change “Step 1” in the wiki page to: “BACK UP your current settings”

    For people like me that get too hasty to remember to save off the output from $$ 🙂

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