Using TinyG in WPF Project

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    Hello, I have a big project where the motors are used to move the arms of goniospectrophotometer. And as I understood WPF causes some thread related problems, because TinyG driver, which is in C++ is not thread safe. I put mutexes in the source code of C++ and WPF project and now it works better, but still not ideal. If I put getranges() 10 times in a row, on 3rd or 4th try it will give some corrupted values like 1.323411414 or 2.12312441. Who knows how to fix it, or maybe someone has thread safe version of this driver.

    Thank you in advance!


    There has been very limited activity in the past few year on tinyG.
    You could post this question here, closer to whatever developer activity there is:

    While there, have a look at the G2 project at
    g2was the next generation, might be a better fit to your needs

    Good luck with your project


    Thank you! Can I use G2 project with TinyG board?


    Nope, It is aimed at a higher performance ARM

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