The text response from TinyG 0.95 is different than 0.94. The previous responses were easy to parse, the new is not.
The differences I note:
1) The “tinyg [mm] ok> “prompt now ends with LF, CR. This is ok; it was a minor fix -but broke my software anyway. 🙂
2) The explanations, such as “y jerk maximum” are now separate words. They used to be written as one, like “y_jerk_maximum”. Again, not a big deal.
3) The response to an individual parameter, such as “$1mi” is missing the group character (1), while it is there in a group enquiry, such as “$1”. For example, the response to “$1” command has a line “[1mi] m1 microsteps 1 [1,2,4,8]”, but the response to “$1mi 1” command is “[1mi] m microsteps 1 [1,2,4,8]”. This is nasty, as there isn’t a common structure to the response lines anymore.
I rather not change to JSON. I’m not familiar with it and I didn’t found a suitable library for it. The textual dialog is easier to understand. Besides, I already had working software to talk to TinyG.
Instead, I’ll try to beg you to either change it back or rather, add the group character to individual command responses. The latter option is almost as easy to parse as if the response explanation would be a single word as before. Either way would be fine, but please make the response lines the same in each case. Please?
And please, try to keep the responses the same from version to version. They are fine, no reason the change, and you have at least one customer that is reading them by software. 😉
This topic was modified 11 years, 8 months ago by JuKu. Reason: misprint fixes