Unable to set commands like $st=1

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  • #6582

    Sorry if this is on the FAQ, Web-pages, or forum. I could not find anything that is close this problem.

    I am able to comunicate with the TinyG via CoolTerm and a python tool. For example?

    Line number:         0
    X position:          0.000 mm
    Y position:          0.000 mm
    Z position:          0.000 mm
    A position:          0.000 deg
    Feed rate:           0.000 mm/min
    Velocity:            0.000 mm/min
    Units:               G21 - millimeter mode
    Coordinate system:   G53 - machine coordinate system
    Distance mode:       G90 - absolute distance mode
    Feed rate mode:      G94 - units-per-minute mode (i.e. feedrate mode)
    Motion mode:         G80 - cancel motion mode (none active)
    Machine state:       Ready

    the ‘?’ works with out a problem.

    But if I enter ‘$st=1’ to set the standard switch settings to NC it doesn’t accept it.

    [st]  switch type                 0 [0=NO,1=NC]



    Hi, IIRC there was a bug in older firmware (412.x?) that displayed the $st value incorrectly. In other words, it used what you configured for $st, but when printing it, it always printed 0.
    This is fixed in the current firmware 435.10 (together with many other things), many good reasons to upgrade.

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