Two motors attached to a single stepper output

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    Can I attach two identical NEMA 17 motors to one driver output?
    I would like to use the rotary as a rotary but was considering two motors on my Y axis.


    You can, should work OK with NEMA 17s.
    You will have to manage reversal of rotation of one of the Motors with wiring. See


    You can also add a second driver and motor.

    Just take the signal feeds and get your power from your transformer.

    Same signal, so in lock-step, dual power so no overloading of the Tiny and full power to the steppers rather than half. Still need to reverse the power for one motor manually.

    You can balance the motors quite easily by coupling them (a piece of plastic tubing works). By utilising the brake on one motor, have the other step in 1:1 single step increments, if it’s unable to overcome the braked motor, adjust the power until it can, then reverse your test. It’s crude but reasonably accurate.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Zootalaws.
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