Troubleshooting Fan Pins

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  • #8902

    I built a smaller electronics enclosure and switched from a 24V fan (powered directly off the power supply) to a 12V fan powered by the TinyG. However, after assembling everything, I found out my TinyG is only putting out 0.7V on the fan pins – measured with the jumper is in the +12V position. When in the +Vmot position, it is properly outputting 24V as it should. Unfortunately, I cannot switch back to the 24V fan because it is physically larger and will not fit my new enclosure.

    Anyone have thoughts about this? Is my regulator bad? Should I be concerned about other components being bad?

    This is a V8 board that I ordered from Adafruit in October.


    Here is a typical V8 schematic, this one for a tinyGV8G

    U8 is the Regulator,
    J11 is the fan connector (white)
    J12 is the black pin header that selects between Vmot and 12V out of regulator.

    with the voltage selection jumper removed from board, do you measure 12V from Regulator( U8, pin 3)?

    The fan is the only user of +12V, I believe


    Thanks for the schematic and suggestion to measure there. Results: with the voltage selection jumper removed from the board, the regulator is outputting 0.74V consistently (measured across pins 2 & 3 on U8). I assume this means that I have a faulty regulator – is that correct?


    That sounds correct to me.


    Bummer – and thanks for the assistance!

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