Trouble after uploading firmware

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    So I successfully uploaded the latest edge. Then I tried configuring the machine (micro-stepping, travel per revolution, etc.) and ran into trouble. Specifically, with the same travel per revolution and micro-stepping settings as before the firmware upgrade, it moved 20 times what it should have. Also the TinyG seems to hang every so often.

    So I switched to the master branch. No issues hanging as far as I can see, but I get no motion whatsoever. Everything seems right, but nothing happens.

    This is on a Linux box (Ubuntu 14.04) using Chilipeppr and version 1.80 of SPJS.

    I’m poking around, and about to do the same sort of testing under Windows and Chilipeppr, but am open to suggestions.


    On the Windows machine, running Chilipeppr and SPJS 1.80, the TinyG does eventually become unresponsive entirely. And I did notice that the TinyG Chilipeppr widget is reporting the version of the TinyG firmware as 0.7, when it is really 380.08.


    It really doesn’t take much for the TinyG to become unresponsive. Just restarted everything (the TinyG, SPJS, and Chilipeppr) issued a $sys, then a G20, and it stuck.


    Put edge back onto the TinyG. It’s moving!


    So I’m going to stick with edge for the moment. For my use case, it seems to be behaving better. I’m a little worried about having to fudge the travel per revolution numbers, but as long as it works.


    By Edge your mean 440.14? Good Move.
    Chilipepper probably not compatible with anything < 435.xx


    Yes. 440.14.

    This morning, I was able to get the TinyG configured to match this machine, but it still becomes unresponsive fairly often. Sometimes it runs for a bit, sometimes it hangs after only seconds. It is much worse than it was on the stock firmware (but other things have changed too).

    My assumption is that there are many people running 440.14 on a TinyG v8 via Chilipeppr and SPJS on a Windows machine without problems. I’m not breaking new ground here, am I?

    I’m about to repeat my testing on my Linux machine, which will rule out a USB extension cord and a dusty USB socket. But I’m running out ideas as to the cause.


    As I said in the “spotty” thread, I think a USB extension cable or some dust is at the heart of my issues. On a Linux laptop hooked up to the TinyG via a single USB A-B cable, I have no issues.

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