TinyG with TB6600 drivers?

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    I’m in the midst of building a homemade CNC machine that will primarily machine down aluminum and some harder woods but I’m having doubts with my current build. I was going to run Arduino Mega but there’s no consistence as to my best configuration. After reading an Instructable with use of Pi and TinyG, I looked into this option. My question being is the TinyG powerful enough to run NEMA23 1.8A 340oz.in/2.4Nm stepper motors without the use of the TB6600 drivers to be able to go through aluminum and hardwood?

    My build is on hold until I can get an answer.

    Thank you.



    But that’s not the right question.

    It’s not a matter of ‘can it’, it’s a matter of ‘how fast can it’.

    With a slow enough feed, it will easily cope with hardwood and aluminium, it you might want it to run faster.

    I run 340oz steppers and it works fine.


    I’m more interested with detail over speed. I’ll run it as slow as I need to get the detail I need accomplished. As long as it works. I like the idea of the Pi being the host computer so I didn’t need to have my home computer hooked up to it and maybe do something with Octoprint to view remotely. First, however, I need to get it running.

    Thanks Zootalaws


    I use an OrangePi Zero Plus (about $20 with case, another couple of cents or so for a 12v > 5v step-down) running serial port json server with chilipeppr as my wireless interface. On the same Pi I have Laserweb/CNCWeb host and octoprint, but it took a little fettling.

    I use TinyG/G2 with laser and CNC router and it is solid.

    If I was going to use external drivers, I would use a Due with G2Core and appropriate shield, rather than a TinyG

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Zootalaws.
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