TinyG with external drivers: J19 (motor3) and J20 (motor 4) don't work

Home Forums TinyG TinyG Support TinyG with external drivers: J19 (motor3) and J20 (motor 4) don't work

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  • #9866

    Hello Lquiroz, I am about to try the same so thank you for your discovery.

    How has your testing gone? Found any side effects? One such side effect I could see is the amount of step revolutions you reduce your motors by by introducing a delay (albeit very short)

    Kind regards



    Hi @Lquiroz and @cdfleischmann

    Please can you let me know if you were successful?

    Im facing the same issue where J20 doesn’t seem to be working while the rest are working.

    I will give build 449.01.hex a try, but not sure it would work based on your experience.

    If you can share the code changes you have done to get this working or even the hex file that I can upload into my Tinyg it would be really helpful.

    Looking forward to your response.

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