TinyG v8 clock/time/date

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    I just purchased a TinyG v8 and I’m still getting it set up and figuring out what it can/can’t do. I can’t seem to find any way to set or read current time and/or date. I would like to use the TinyG v8 to control a 2-axis solar tracker, but I need to coordinate the motion with time and date. Any recommendations? I can jump into the C code if necessary.



    TinyG (as programmed) is not intended to be a standalone device.. it requires a computer or tablet or other micro board sending movements via gcode/json to it. I doubt there is any time/date code at all in it… other than stepper timing,etc..

    Id think you could use another micro board (arduino/PI/beagle) with time/date,etc.. code on it and just send the movements to the TinyG board.. Of course you could also drive the 2 axes with the other board too..

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by mcgyvr.

    Thanks for the response. That’s unfortunate, since hardware-wise, it should be very capable of standalone operation. The processor has an RTC (which arduino/Raspberry/beaglebone don’t seem to unless you add one on). There’s even a processor in the same family with battery-backup for the RTC (ATxmega256A3BU).

    Does anyone know if this processor could be a direct replacement for the current one? It doesn’t seem like adding some functions to the code base to read the RTC would be too difficult.

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