TinyG USB not working properly

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    The Tiny G (PID 1749) I purchased in order #1313059-4300950627 at adafruit.com seems to be defective and not working properly.

    The board are not recognised by the computer when conected by USB, even if it seems to be “booting” with some recognisable flashing patern on the init LED of the board. Tested in Windows 7 and 10. We installed proper FTDI drivers too but don’t show up in the devices tree of the system. The power supply is a very stable 12V/8A switching supply. Also I tested it in other two computers and no luck.

    I measured some test points on the board if they have 12V power suply aplied to the main microcontroller and it seems to have, FTDI chip and drivers correctly powered. The output of the regulator is correct too. Power LED is powered up too. As a test, we conected a snap switch between x-min and GND to see if some internal program is runing and the corresponding LED of the end-stop lights up when triggered. So I think the microcontroller is working, but no USB at all so the board is unusable.

    Can anyone tell me what other test I can do or how to replace the board? Looking forward for your reply. Many thanks.

    P.D. adafruit_support_mike from adafruit’s support forum ask me to post this here for support. Link to original forum: https://forums.adafruit.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=110970&p=555067#p555067


    All the tests you describe seem to indicate a properly booting tinyG.
    FYI, the USB interface on tinyG is all hardware – microcoded into the FTDI device on-board. So the USB device should show up when plugged in as long as it is powered up, irrespective of the FW sanity of the tinyG FW on the board.

    Have you tried different, known good USB cables?
    Are you plugging into a USB2 port? Some early USB3 ports had issues.
    Have friends with Linux running? FTDI support is native with most Linux OSs.

    Possibilities include USB port issues on PCs, FTDI device issue, connector issue on tinyG and defective USB cable.

    If you have exhausted PC and USB cable testing, then you’ll have to get a replacement unit from Adafruit I suppose, or perhaps directly from Synthetos. You can contact Synthetos customer service at


    Thanks you for your reply. Yes, in the last days, I have try multiple things: new USB cables and try to connect it to another computer. Fist on the USB cable, tryed 2 more and same thing, the board is not recognised at all. This same two cables works both with and Arduino UNO, so cables are working. I also try today the board, with the previous mencioned cables on a Debian (Lenny) machine and when I “lsusb” there is no new hardware conected. For some reason, there is no activity on the USB port, even if the board seems to be booting as is responding to a limit switch signal. Maybe is a tinyg’s USB conector issue, I don’t know, but the is no aparent damage on it, maybe is defective as this.

    Did you suggest a replacement or have you any other idea to try?

    Many thanks.


    You seem to have cover the possibilities – sounds like bad connector or perhaps bad FTDI device and, as always, a possible bad solder joint.

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