TinyG switches to Incremental Distance Mode at Random?!?!?!

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    When manually sending gcode blocks to tinyG from TGfx, TinyG seems to randomly switch from absolute distance mode incremental distance mode every say 5 to 10 commands. This is fantastic for accidentally slamming the bit down into the stock or base of the machine and generally making my extremely frustrated. The default distance mode is set to absolute and it does seem to maintain that setting and TinyG seems to be respecting all other settings, meaning once I set the federate mode, unit system etc, it maintains it until a new command changing that setting is sent. Thankfully this doesn’t seem to happen when running a gcode file, only when sending commands manually. I have no idea if it’s TinyG or TGfx and I’m sure it’s probably something simple I’m doing, but no idea what that is. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    I have not seen this specific issue raised before.

    What tinyG build are you running?
    What tgFX build are you running?

    If not already, you may want to try tinyG build 435.10, the most recent Edge build. It does correct some other default parameter setting implementations, might help here as well.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by cmcgrath5035.

    I’m an idiot. TGfx is switching TinyG to Incremental Mode everytime I use the manual jog function by hovering over the draw preview and using either the arrow keys or dash/equals. Might be nice if TGfx respected this setting and switched it back if it did change it from absolute, but the current behaviour is understandable. Most importantly, this seems to be a clear and consistent behaviour that answers why TinyG’s distance mode setting keeps getting switched when I’m issuing manual commands.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by O1iv3r.

    Interesting, good to know.
    But, that behavior may change with tgFX next release, as there are several jog related issues being worked.

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