TinyG Success

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  • #7244

    Just wanted to post a positive report, after a few issus that turned out to be other things – tinyg has worked fine with etchings like this one that has over 12,000 lines of curvy twisty gcode using chilipeppr on a strong box, an old WinXP box running the serial port server (with debugging off!) created this laser etch:



    That’s awesome. I’m assuming that was laser etching? It looks like that’s paper that you etched the design into. What power of laser did you use? Diode or CO2? I know a lot of folks are using cheaper diode lasers to etch paper now. Got any video of the job running? I’d love to post it on the Google+ forum for ChiliPeppr.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by jlauer.

    What was your CAM process? Folks are asking over at https://plus.google.com/u/0/+JohnLauerGplus/posts/bNqSresLKpv?cfem=1


    Ok, the material was white finished particle board removed from an Ikea bed 😉
    The laser is this: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HFHJBDI/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 with a homemade lm317 current regulator running a conservative maybe 1.3 amps.

    CAM process (will post over there in a bit) was ‘Ready’ reaction diffusion playground created a screenshot of some math, bitmap traced in Inkscape and simplified once, then gcode created from a ‘laserengraver’ plugin for Inkscape.


    Here’s a video created earlier when I was having issues with tgFX getting swamped and the cnc laser stopping. Shows the nice big heat sink for the laser which is way too big and does not even begin to get warm.


    Wait, this is a big deal. You’re telling me that you got pauses in TgFX when doing laser cutting, which was probably due to Java’s garbage collection? In ChiliPeppr though you got no pausing and a clean output from the laser cut? The community needs to hear this because most Gcode senders are Java and if garbage collection does a “stop the world” it can kill jobs like yours. I specifically wrote Serial Port JSON Server in an environment that was high performance to avoid this from happening, and it appears it worked for you beautifully.

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