Tinyg stops mid cut

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  • #11370

    Just and update I ran another air test (spindle off) and about 70% though the run and all was well. At that point I turned on the spindle ( it is run manually at this point without any connection to the PWM inputs) and about 5 minutes later the TinyG faulted and the SpDir led started to flash.
    Any Thoughts?




    Second update on the third air cut the TinyG faulted and the SpDir led started flashing with the spindle turned off.



    I am assuming you are watching the air cuts and you are sure that there is no mechanical operation of limit switches.

    While spindles are usually the predominant noise source, stepper motors do contribute as well.

    Turn off all limit switches, $xsn = $xsm = 0, once you are sure gcode will stay in bounds. If air cut fails (SpnDir flash) with switches turned off, then we are chasing wrong issue.
    Maybe post a picture of you wiring/cabling

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
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