TinyG Showing Bugs

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  • #11801

    My TinyG is now having some strange issues receiving GCode. Theres a very simple file I wrote that involves foreward and backward movements in the XAxis, and now on the first line of code it will move nearly to the end of the desired travel. Stop and hesistate, then continue as normal. It has done this consistently. There is nothing werid with this piece of code:

    g0 x393
    g0 x-10
    g0 z3

    g0 x393
    g0 x-10
    g0 z5

    g0 x393
    g0 x-10
    g0 z8

    Another example would be this code having the following bug/error:

    g0 x393 z50
    g0 x-393 z50
    g0 z3

    g0 x393 z-50
    g0 x-393 z-50
    g0 z5

    g0 x393 z20
    g0 x-393 z-20
    g0 z8

    g0 x393 z30
    g0 x-393 z30
    g0 z13

    g0 x393 z-30
    g0 x-393 z-30
    g0 z21

    When sent it results in the machine stopping at the X0 position several times for 2 to 3 seconds while making a ticking noise, then it returns to normal opteration.

    Previously there have been times I tried to run code involving moving the gantry in both the X and Z directions and the machine completely spazzed out and needed to be reset. Ive also run simalar code and had it give a strange feedback message including the font of the text file.

    Does it need to be a certian font to run correctly from Coolterm? Is it possible that inadequate cooling could cause the strange bugs I am experiencing?


    I see over at https://github.com/synthetos/TinyG/issues that your are or were having port connection issues. Did those get resolved?
    I ahve no idea what Mojave is, from your description assume it is a recent macOS release.

    It seems logical that tinyG would bring motion to a stop before reversing direction. How quickly it reverses might be modified with jerk settings.

    But 2-3 seconds sounds unreasonable, unless tinyG is waiting for the next command. How do you have flow control configured in CoolTerm and tinyG?
    I’d avoid XonXoff, it seems port drivers have become buggy over time.Control environments like Chilipeppr and cnc.js bypass hardware flow control and use buffer fill messaging to improve response.

    Heat and ticking – an overheated motor will have reduced conversion efficiency (current pulses into motion) at high temps and may exhibit difficulties with extreme micro-stepping. Or the ticking may just be tinyG holding current position while waiting for the next line of Gcode.

    I’ll probably need more info on your machine setup. What you describe could also be ball screw binding, for example.


    Was the reply I made here deleted? I says this topic was updated by myself 1day and 5 hours ago, which is true. Although the reply is missing? Can anyone else see it?

    I can retype it if need be.


    Test, are yyou there?


    OK, that is strange, I replied to your April 7 but my reply did not appear either.

    And I have not seen anything new from you since my April 4 post

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