Tinyg randomly jumping around during cutting.

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    I had g code to cut out some hold down clamps. It worked great the first couple of times. Then all of the sudden on the 3rd it was like tinyg lost it’s place and started cutting out the part in a different place. It ruined the material I was using. Everytime it messes up it seems random. It messes up at different locations on the part each time. I hope that makes sense.

    Anyone know what could cause this? Could a dip in power cause something like this? I am using a new spindle and it is on the same breaker as the tinyg. I never had this happen before though and had even run a vacuum on the same breaker that was twice the amps as the spindle I am using now. Could this be on tgfx’s end?

    tinyg v8 build 412


    Well, unfortunately, it is hard to tell what you are doing.

    First, tinyG is a V8, loaded with build 412.XY ?
    Also note that build 429.01 is now available and is a more up-to-date EDGE version.
    You are running your gcode with tgFX? What version (build) ?

    From your description, it worked runs 1 and 2.
    Do you reload material between runs, or just rest a zero point on one piece of material?

    Significant power dips could be an issue, as could excessive noise from spindle(or vacuum) on the power lines.

    If you are pushing your gantry around by hand, to load new material or etc., the motors could be inducing noise back into tinyG.

    When I run jobs, I set my zero point, with cli commands or jogging, then reset tinyG (reset button) before starting the Gcode run.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
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