TinyG power supply size

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    I noticed that while TinyG supports voltage input ranging from 12V to 30V, the recommended power supply is 24V DC.

    Is there a reason to not choose a 30V PSU if available? I am using Nema23 motors. I actually have been having some issues with X of my belt-driven Shapeoko missing steps when milling hard materials (TinyG cooling should be sufficient), so I’m getting a bigger Nema23 motor for it, probably pushing TinyG’s limits.

    I noticed there are models such as NES-200-27 and SP-240-30, both able to output 30V. I could just run both of these at 29V if 30V is too close to TinyG’s limits.. Or is the benefit of 30V versus 24V just too small to bother with it?

    I also noticed that at least 6A of current is suggested (the PSUs above exceed that). However, I measured the DC current flowing through Vmot/GND with my multimeter and when all 3xNema23 motors and 1xNema17 motor were actively stopped, the consumption was merely 2A (less when motors were moving). Do I just have less powerful motors than I thought? Their rated current is 2.8A.

    Thanks for insight!


    Those are good questions. I’d like to know the answers, too.

    I bought a Genssi 24V DC 14.6A 350W supply, because TinyG couldn’t support my 48 V power supply.



    tom how is that “genssi” power supply working.. I just ordered the exact same one last night..
    Looks just like a meanwell “clone” but half the price..

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