TinyG not used for 1 year. Now dead?

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    My tinyG just magically stopped working. Its recognised by chillipepr but dont respond to commands.
    I took a 1 year break from CNC’ing.. coz making PCBs in China was faster. Yesterday i connected my Chinese CNC 3040Z-DQ and TinyG (Raspberry Pi 3). Its not responding in Chilipeppr. I used to mill PCBs weekly. It basically stood safe on my desk <>11 months.

    Its connected to USB. Chillipepr knows its there.

    This is what i tried.
    1. Connected the TinyG with my usual USB cable.
    2. Updated serial-port-json-server from 1.91 to 1.95
    3. Started serial-port-json-server Version:1.95

    2018/01/22 23:19:40 main.go:169: Your serial ports:
    2018/01/22 23:19:40 main.go:176: {/dev/ttyAMA0 ttyAMA0 [] }
    2018/01/22 23:19:40 main.go:176: {/dev/ttyS0 ttyS0 [] }
    2018/01/22 23:19:40 main.go:176: {/dev/ttyUSB0 FTDI FT230X Basic UART (ttyUSB0) [] DA014WO6 00 FTDI 6015 0403}

    4. Scan for server.
    5. Connect to the found server and choose the ā€œFTDI FT230X Basic UART (ttyUSB0)ā€ and set checkmark.
    A counter starts running quickly 0 to 15 fast.
    type=tinyg, speed=115200
    This used to work fine.

    6. in console, only a questionmark appears;
    Console /dev/ttyUSB0

    Then i try:

    Nothing happens.
    This is really, really weird. Everything worked fine. The difference beyween today and 22-1-2017 was the TinyG / CNC was never used. Not even switched on since that time.
    7. Then i tried it on my Windows 10 machine. Same thing.
    8. i What the heck I tried reprogramming choosing serial port ttyUSB0 on the pi.
    – device = synthetos TinyG v8
    – URL = http://synthetos.github.io/binaries/tinyg-master-440.20.hex
    – Choose program.
    Chillipepr then reports;
    Making sure /dev/ttyUSB0 port is closed so we have access to it for programming… Programming… Could not program the board.
    9. Tried step (8) in Windows. Got a message about ā€˜butterfly_recv, programmer not respondingā€œ.

    This really weird. machine not used. Stood on my desk all the time. Untouched. I thought to sell it but cant unless this issue is fixed.

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by easylab4kids.

    Do you have CoolTerm available?
    Does it talk to tinyG?


    CoolTerm does connect to TinyG. (https://github.com/synthetos/TinyG/wiki/Connecting-TinyG)
    No, not talking :(.

    FYI this is the same machine as mine CNC 3040 –> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42ew5xjIBWM.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by easylab4kids.


    The emergency stop button was stuck, which is connected to TinyG’ reset.
    Duhhhh šŸ˜› :P.

    Now it works fine.

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