TinyG Not Saving Configuration Changes

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    Hello, I have a V8 running the newest firmware. When I change settings via Coolterm they do not stick after a reset. For example, I enter the command $1tr=40.119 and and I check the value with another $1tr command I get the right value but if I reset or turn off the tinyG the settings goes back to 39.999. Is there some other command I need to enter to commit the changes?



    Just figured it out. The program I was using to control the TinyG had some startup commands that were overwriting my changes everything I started the program.


    OK, it sounds like you are back in operation.
    It also sounds like you are developing one or more control programs.

    I assume you are aware of a special condition that exists in tinyG due to a hardware bug in the Microcontroller.
    Writes to EEPROM, the non-volitile memory used on the controller, take a relative long time. To work around the bug, tinyG stops listening to the serial interface until the EEPROM signals that the write cycle is complete.
    TinyG then issues a status response if you have your program watching the return stream.

    The issues does not appear if you manually key in parameter changes one at a time from a console like Coolterm. but dumping a string of commands all at once will likely result in some commands being missed or worse, causing partial writes or incorrect values to be written to EEPROM. There are also instances where the EEPROM refuses additional writes.
    If you seek to automate parameter updates, the proper way is to send a parameter value the pause sending, waiting for a confirmation that the EEPROM has completed before sending the next parameter.

    Read this old, closed issue for hints https://github.com/synthetos/TinyG/issues/123

    A useful way to look for EEPROM corruption is to Send $$ an observe parameter values. If you observe unrealistic or impossible values, or values tou would not have set, it is an indicator of possible EEPROM corruption.
    Sending the $defa command will reset the EEPROM to the default values that are in the FW download(compiled in)

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