TinyG need help urgently

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    Hi, i am using TinyG with tgFX on Shapeoko2, however so far whenever i tried to mill/cut it will have erractic behaviour, sometime it will stop without any error messages, sometime z axes will just plunge into the stock for no reason, i have tried reading in the varius forum and wiki for tinyG, i have done whatever is recommended. anything else i could do to solve this problem? so far i have not able to finish every mills because of this problem.



    Hi, hard to tell what’s wrong from your description, but here are some suggestions:

    – Update the firmware for tinyg if you are running anything older than 435.10 ($fb). Also need to upgrade to the newest tgfx, and re-adjust the parameters.

    – Make sure flow control is set to RTS/CTS ($ex=2), also set this on the host program (I think tgfx does this automatically).

    – Check the mechanical side: Belt tensions, pulley set screws; for Z, make sure the threaded rod runs smooth on the whole range.

    – Motor setup: Adjust the motor current as described in the wiki, and try manual movement commands on every axis: G0Z20 should move Z axis up 20mm, G0Z0 move it back to the 0 position. “Plunging too far into the board” is often caused by wrong speed parameters: The z axis would move down with a slow feedrate, but when it should move up again, it can’t because the configured speed is set too high and the motor can’t follow. The next downward move will go into the wasteboard.
    First, set the speed settings to slow: $xvm=1000, $yvm=1000, $zvm=200, and same with acceleration (jerk) settings: $xjm=20, $yjm=20, $zjm=50. If the shapeoko runs fine with those, gradually increase the speed. I think the default shapeoko settings are a bit too optimistic.

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