Hi all,
I have the following error, trying to send g1y0 gCode bloc/line:
tinyg [mm] err: Gcode feedrate error: g1y0
I tried this using my personal tinyG configuration properties ($variables), and using the default factory configuration, via $defa=1 command.
Previously, I executed any g0 command and the rapid motion runs ok, without problems
I’m sending Gcode files programmaticaly, from an Atmega1284p microController with an Adruino based program, which sends gCode lines via Serial port using the “Serial.println(“gcode”);” command, with a 100 miliseconds + time between commands and checking planner queue (qv=2). I also see what tinyG is responding thanks to a serial capture program (RealTerm).
So I can verify that the sending system runs ok. G1 command is the only command that doesn’t work by the moment. I executed g0, g4, g20, properties etc successfully
These are TinyG System properties:
$fb: Firmware Build 380.08
$fv: Firmware version 0.96
$hv: Hardware version 8.00
Thanks a lot for your help! I whish some day I will help you too