tinyg limit switch handling

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    Are there plans to fix/correct the way tinyg handles hitting limit switches… hopefully in the near future 🙂
    Having it reset and having to manually move the gantries is NOT a proper solution IMO.. #1 I have a “stout” machine with fine pitch/solid ballscrews where I can’t just push around the gantries when unpowered and #2 since I have a dual Y machine that also means that I then have to go around and square the machine up again because you can’t turn the steppers by hand with manual cranks evenly and I don’t feel like I should be forced to install dial wheels on them and even that isn’t precise enough to keep it perfectly square.

    This is what should happen.
    When a limit switch is triggered the machine should NOT reset but simply halt motion immediately and stop processing/reset the job if running gcode at that time and turn off the spindle and coolant.. (maybe there is a reason to leave spindle/coolant on but I can’t think of one now)
    Then simply allow you to jog only in the direction away from the limit switches until the limit is no longer tripped. Then you can do a homing command or whatever.. but having it reset just seems silly.
    I’ve worked with a few “professional” CNC (Haas,etc..) machines and NONE just shut down the whole machine..

    Also I notice you have maximum travel settings.. How are those used or are they at all now?.. I assume that would be for soft limits which would be great and are really needed (but again I hope that doesn’t reset the machine and should function identically to hitting a physical limit switch just a different error/status message or something) Does tinyg have functioning soft limits?


    That’s a valid input. However I do not see any response to. I am in the process of setting homing and limit switches and it is quite frustrating experience.


    If you can be more specific maybe we can make it better and less frustrating. It’s also worth remembering that TinyG is not a Haas, and does not cost quite as much. 🙂 Also, code contributions are welcome. Many hands make light work.


    Thanks for the reply. I have found meanwhile that in 0.97 there is already inclusion of soft limits. When I get bit more oriented I would like to give a hand. If there is a need for a graphic work or interface design, I’ll be glad to help. Also will write an entry about my setup experience.

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