TinyG compatible G-code senders

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    Personally, I’m mostly happy with Chilipeppr. However, I have refurbed an old Routermaster II for a friend and Chilipeppr might not fit his work-flow. He’s a nearly retired woodworker and would prefer to keep things simple. So I’m looking at other options.

    Tgfx, obviously. And it looks like Universal-gcode-sender will eventually get support. The TinyG CNC Console for Android also looks interesting. One could just use a serial program, but that is the opposite of simple. Anything else that I’ve missed?

    Tgfx looks like the best bet for now. But opinions are welcome.


    tgFX not a good choice unless you want to take on maintaining your own. Development has been halted in favor of CP support.

    What OS platform? CoolTem can send Gcodes files, but that may be in your category of a serial program.

    On Linux, I used plink (cat GCode | plink) but that is pretty basic too.

    Lots of folks have rolled their own, perhaps they will stop by with other suggestions.


    Ya. I hear you on tgFX being abandoned. My hope is that it will work well enough for the time-being or that I can dial in Chilipeppr.

    Certainly, Chilipeppr is nice for a one-man CNC shop with a self-built machine hooked up to a decent PC. For a designer with a CNC router for rapid prototyping, it’s also really interesting. But requiring a PC with web access right next to a CNC machine is really painful in a production environment. It requires a degree of computer competance of the operator that isn’t as common as one would think. (Think about viruses, security updates, and a bored operator with access to the web.) A usable pendant or Android interface would go a long way to making this problem disappear.

    A dead simple interface, that would run on really low-end hardware (ie. RPi), with decent control of jogging and a big STOP button, is really all that is necessary.

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Rural.
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