Tinyg Arduino due & RAMPS FD

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    Hello I am quite new to tinyg.

    I have an arduino due and would like to use RAMPS FD board.

    May they be compatible?

    The board is just an interface in the end.


    You should have a look at the tinyG2 wiki,

    G2 is tinyG functionality ported to Due plus GRBL.


    I saw that there is a pinout file. I modified the pins in the gshield pinout file to make them follow the RAMPS FD and recompiled the firmware, didn’t work. There is also the motate system which I suppose manages the pins.

    Do you have any insights about how can I find the corresponding pins?


    Do you have any insights about how can I find the corresponding pins?

    Sorry, Wiki reference is the boundary of my experience here. I don’t use Gshield, had never heard of RAMPS FD before this (looks to be a complete 6 axis driver?).
    I assume you are aware of Vcc differences between Uno and Due.
    It would seem likely that, given the complexity of the RAMPS FD shield, additional setup/configuration of the RAMPS FD might be necessary?

    Good luck, let us know how you make out.


    I found the ramps fd pinout settings inside a marlin firmware from Bob at github

    Here is the relevant part from pins.h:

    #if MOTHERBOARD == 403
    #define RAMPS_FD_V1
    // No EEPROM
    // Use 4k7 thermistor tables
    #define RAMPS_FD_V2
    // EEPROM supported
    // Use 1k thermistor tables

    #define X_STEP_PIN 63
    #define X_DIR_PIN 62
    #define X_ENABLE_PIN 48
    #define X_MIN_PIN 22
    #define X_MAX_PIN -1 //2 //Max endstops default to disabled “-1”, set to commented value to enable.

    #define Y_STEP_PIN 65
    #define Y_DIR_PIN 64
    #define Y_ENABLE_PIN 46
    #define Y_MIN_PIN 24
    #define Y_MAX_PIN -1 //15

    #define Z_STEP_PIN 67
    #define Z_DIR_PIN 66
    #define Z_ENABLE_PIN 44
    #define Z_MIN_PIN 26
    #define Z_MAX_PIN -1

    #define E0_STEP_PIN 36
    #define E0_DIR_PIN 28
    #define E0_ENABLE_PIN 42

    #define E1_STEP_PIN 43
    #define E1_DIR_PIN 41
    #define E1_ENABLE_PIN 39

    #define E2_STEP_PIN 32
    #define E2_DIR_PIN 47
    #define E2_ENABLE_PIN 45

    #define SDPOWER -1
    #define SDSS 4
    #define LED_PIN 13

    #define BEEPER -1

    #define FAN_PIN -1

    #define CONTROLLERFAN_PIN -1 //Pin used for the fan to cool controller

    #define PS_ON_PIN -1

    #define KILL_PIN -1

    #define HEATER_BED_PIN 8 // BED

    #define HEATER_0_PIN 9
    #define HEATER_1_PIN 10
    #define HEATER_2_PIN 11


    #define TEMP_0_PIN 1 // ANALOG NUMBERING
    #define TEMP_1_PIN -1 // 2 // ANALOG NUMBERING
    #define TEMP_2_PIN -1 // 3 // ANALOG NUMBERING

    #define TEMP_3_PIN -1 // ANALOG NUMBERING
    #define TEMP_4_PIN -1 // ANALOG NUMBERING

    #ifdef NUM_SERVOS
    #define SERVO0_PIN 11

    #if NUM_SERVOS > 1
    #define SERVO1_PIN 6

    #if NUM_SERVOS > 2
    #define SERVO2_PIN 5

    #if NUM_SERVOS > 3
    #define SERVO3_PIN 4

    #ifdef ULTRA_LCD

    #ifdef NEWPANEL
    // ramps-fd lcd adaptor
    #define LCD_PINS_RS 16
    #define LCD_PINS_ENABLE 17
    #define LCD_PINS_D4 23
    #define LCD_PINS_D5 25
    #define LCD_PINS_D6 27
    #define LCD_PINS_D7 29

    #define BEEPER 37

    #define BTN_EN1 33
    #define BTN_EN2 31
    #define BTN_ENC 35

    #define SDCARDDETECT 49


    #endif //ULTRA_LCD

    // SPI for Max6675 Thermocouple

    #ifndef SDSUPPORT
    // these pins are defined in the SD library if building with SD support
    #define MAX_SCK_PIN 52
    #define MAX_MISO_PIN 50
    #define MAX_MOSI_PIN 51
    #define MAX6675_SS 53
    #define MAX6675_SS 49

    #endif //MOTHERBOARD == 403, 404

    But I can’t make much sense of it comparing with the shield pin out.


    Hi Guys,

    So G2 can theoretically drive the RAPMS-FD. It is designed to handle the 3.3V logic.

    The Motate pin numbers are essentially the same as those on the silk screen, so mapping the pins shouldn’t be too hard. Adding the new board type is described on the wiki here: https://github.com/synthetos/g2/wiki/Adding-a-new-G2-board-(or-revision)-to-G2

    One thing to note is that, currently, TinyG (and G2) does not have the ability to drive temperature. It can handle motion, but not the extruder or head bed. It’s just a matter of software, and everything you need should be in Motate already. It just hasn’t been written — yet.



    Hi Rob

    Thank you for the suggestion, I managed to build tinyg G2 with a custom platform target. My problem is the fact that I am having hard time making sense of the pinouts. E.g. I am watching this Arduino due pinout , than the RAMPS-FD schematics http://www.geeetech.com/wiki/images/8/83/RAMPS-FD-Schematic.pdf and also the gshield schematics and pinout and motate. What should one specify the physical pin number or the digital pin number?

    Thanks to all a you

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by canaldin.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by canaldin.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by canaldin.

    Just a small update..

    I managed to move the X axis !!!EUREKA!!!

    The other axes do not respond..

    I am about to build a laser XY plotter, so I should get a good understanding about PWM, limit switches and how to compile code for a specific machine geometry as mine is fully custom.

    Is there a tutorial on adding a new machine configuraton?


    Hi Canaldin,

    It appears that my previous reply didn’t make it, sorry.

    You want the numbers in Grey on that diagram.

    By “machine configuration” do you mean the setting of the machine that the board is going into, or a new motherboard or shield?

    For a new motherboard or shield, https://github.com/synthetos/g2/wiki/Adding-a-new-G2-board-(or-revision)-to-G2 should help. (Adding a new shield is similar to adding a whole new board, and so they’re both on the same back.)

    For adding a new machine (as in the machine that the board is going into) you want the settings — create a new file in the settings directory (probably by copying one that’s already there) and then in settings.h change which one is included. These are all settings that can be changed at runtime, btw, but the Due doesn’t have any EEPROM, so they’re not saved.



    I am just working up a G2 system with RAMPS-FD – does anyone have a RAMPS-FD pinout file?

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