tgFX/TinyG getting started (noob)

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    So I have TinyG with one stepper wired to motor 1 on the bench, tgFX and Coolterm installed. sent g0 x1000 to TinyG in coolterm and away the motor went, streaming its journey. Closed Coolterm and opened tgFX, connected to TinyG but can not access configuration through axis, machine or tgFX settings tabs. Loaded a g-code program, hit run and the program started, the single stepper doing its thing.
    I am using tgfx_windows-x32 and x64 v.96 – EDGE build 2404.exe, and am running W7 64 bit system. unfortunately I am going to need a little hand holding to get me up to speed with all this so this probably will be the first of few “issues” I will need help with
    Thanks, Bill


    Forgot to mention, as the g-code program was running the screen was only showing the box with X,Y axis. No tool path


    Ha! been there.

    For some reason the tabs have to be clicked in exactly the right place.

    There is a sweet spot that is in the lower right hand corner of the tab, you will know you are on it as the tab highlights. Just move your mouse randomly over the tabs until they highlight. I’m on w7 x64 as well, anyone else have this issue?

    Also, at times the left and right arrows change tabs, but it beats me why that happens.

    As far as config goes, I found it was better to do config through terminal, as it allowed me to effectively use a config file. i.e. paste the config in in one big blat. This takes some tweaking but is way easier when it comes to trialling new firmware and resetting boards.

    If using tgfx for config, query each config change you make so you know it worked. I crunched a tip when the change I made to polarity didn’t take and I was a bit ham fisted.

    Also, the tool path thing was a mystery to me as well. Something I did made it work, but I have no idea what. It wasn’t working, and then one day it worked. I really hope it doesn’t not work again. 🙂 If someone could post a guide for how to configure the tool path it would help at least two people.

    I must say though, for the money, it is a ripper of a controller. I love it.


    A few up front suggestions:
    1. When you post here, identify your tgFX version and PC(Winxx, OSX, Linux) [which you did] plus your TinyG FW version.
    2. Be ready to provide your TinyG config info, perhaps thru a Dropbox or similar. By this I mean the results from a $$ dump in Coolterm (or similar, I use PuTTY )
    3. Be aware that there is a separate tgFX Forum thread now running, you need to watch both.

    Your experience navigating tgFX 2404 are similar to mine (WinXP32 and Win7_64) and RodeoClown’s how-to worked for me. Generally speaking, my toolpath display worked OK however, so that could be a tinyG config issue.

    Since you are in experimental mode (spinning motor on the bench, a great way to get started), I would suggest you download and run with this tgFX Experimental Version

    It is experimental, but you are experimenting anyway and you will find a lot of bugs fixed (including the Tab navigation).

    I also suggest you read thru the long thread here

    and others to get a flavor for what others are experiencing.
    You will also see links to some test GCode files and expected results.

    I did a lot of my initial experimentation (where you are at) with motors connected and configured but disabled. For me, the tool path display did work under tgFX 2404 and still does for tgFX 3009, so getting that issue resolved should be high on your list.

    Also, be aware that tinyG FW 0.96 build 380.08 has some identified issues and that a new version to be downloaded is pending soon.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 12 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 12 months ago by cmcgrath5035.

    Thanks Rodeo, I found the sweet spot. Also the tool path is there at around X0 Y0 just real small, need to see if I can zoom. We are in “beta” after all. After realizing what a huge undertaking this project is I fully expected this wouldn’t be plug and play 100%. Probably by the time my machine is running much of this will be sorted.
    Riley FYI, I can send a program to TinyG directly from my CAM software (BobCad/Cam) which I thought was cool. Just no toolpath visual. I can send you an old version of my software (that I own) if you ever have the desire to check it out.


    Thanks for the primer cmc. much appreciated. I will make necessary adjustments


    No zoom yet on the toolpath window, but the X-Y display is sized to match your Xmax,Ymax settings in TinyG so make sure they are realistic or the toolpath will be REALLY tiny/hard to see.
    Also, make sure you are drawing withing ToolPath range.

    Watch scroll window for ‘out of range’ error messages.


    Thanks. Looking forward to getting home tonight and making some more progress


    When I upgrade to a new version of the software I have been uninstalling the old version via windows 7-programs and features-uninstall. Is that appropriate and does anything have to be removed manually?


    Hey guys,

    Sorry been a bit busy this week. Hopefully this weekend I can put some new code up. First off thanks to everyone helping out on this thread! I read it and cringe a bit. “you have to do x to y and then jump and close your eyes” to get this to work. I am sorry about this 🙂

    The zooming and machines with large max travel values are HORRIBLE! On my 4ft x 2ft. cnc I put it at 300mm x 300m so I can at least see!
    I realize that is not a great solution.

    I would very much like to see your “cam file sender” also you should put it on the wiki.

    As for the uninstaller. I have muddied the water by releasing zip files and exe files. If you used an “installer” remove it before you use another exe installer. There should be a uninstaller in the windows program files for tinyg. If anyone is going to be around this weekend I am going to try to push out some new experimental builds. I have taken on a few design issues that people were complaining about. Also I am trying to fix the jogging bug where it changes tabs. I think there also is a bug when sending files that sometimes a line is skipped? Which can be pretty bad if its say pickup the Z axis from the work. Has anyone else seen this? Wow I am really off topic. Sorry guys.



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