tgFX & TinyG not connecting under Windows

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  • #5936

    OK, I have TinyG v0.8
    firmware 412.02
    version 0.97

    I’ve updated the FTDI drivers as best as I could, the computers seemed to have up to date drivers already.

    tgFX can’t read the TinyG build version, it asks me if I want to update the TinyG, but when trying to update the firmware, it fails too, for not being able to find the build version (!?).

    I can manage to command a “home” before firmware version detection fails, but once it fails, I can’t do anything.

    I’ve tried to do a board reset & rescan the ports.

    I can connect to TinyG using CoolTerm and run it by serial terminal.

    I’ve tried the latest tgFX stable and experimental for 412.01 firmware.

    I’ve tried running in XP compatibility mode and running as administrator.

    I’ve tried this on Windows 7 and Windows 8, two different computers.


    I just thought of something. Does tgFX require JSON mode to be on?


    Yes, tgFX uses JSON but will accept either on the tgFX command line.

    I’m not exactly sure what you mean by this:

    I’ve tried the latest tgFX stable and experimental for 412.01 firmware.

    Better to use build number for a while yet, the terms stable and experimental are in frequent flux.

    Can I assume you mean you have tgFX_windows – Stable – x86 x64 build 3259 – loaded?

    I have run it on a Win7_64 machine (it is actually a 32 bit application) with tinyG build 412.01. No issues like you are reporting.

    From where did you get tinyG build 412.02?

    tgFX might be complaining that it does not find 412.02 on any list of builds it knows about; that is a guess on my part


    Yes, I tried that particular version. As a result of your reply to my other thread.

    I tried all the versions in the Dropbox you linked on Windows and on a Mac, no dice.

    The *board* firmware is 412.01. So updating shouldn’t have been necessary, not that it mattered because tgFX couldn’t verify the firmware, so it asked to update the firmware. I click OK, but it still fails because the updater needs to verify firmware before it can update. Go figure.

    After hours of checking variables & settings, I bit the bullet and reset the board to factory defaults and it all connects fine, and I loaded the Shapeoko 2 profile in tgFX, added some tweaks and all is fine.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by JRDM.

    Hmmm, better, I suppose, to not know what was wrong but to be “all is fine” than to not know what was wrong and to still be having issues.

    Let’s hope for continued good luck..


    I resisted the urge to do a factory reset, but I was running out of things to check and I’ve wasted enough hours, thus, running out of patience.

    In all likelihood, I think it’s probably a parameter that I mistyped and didn’t spot the error on my double checking.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by JRDM.

    In all likelihood, I think it’s probably a parameter that I mistyped and didn’t spot the error on my double checking.

    For a while, I was in config mess myself. If interested, I built on some prior work over at Google Groups to improve the capture and management of configs.

    A challenge is that the parameter sets have been in some flux with the more recent releases of tinyG FW; the spreadsheet I built may now be out of date


    Any chance the TinyG wiki could have a page on tgFX earlier?

    I followed the wiki links linearly down to here:

    I didn’t notice a mention of tgFX and if I had used it in the first place, I probably would have been saved a lot of grief vs. thinking I had to manually enter all those parameters on a serial terminal. The ShapeOko profiles in the latest tgFX was a big relief too.

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