Takes off kind of opposite I guess, I'll try to explain my problem.

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    Ok, a lot of the time when going to the first cut my machine goes full idiot mode. What happens is the machine goes to the right place it is supposed to start and to the right depth but for some reason it takes off the opposite way. I think this mostly or maybe only happens when cutting circles i’m not for sure and this only happens at the very beginning of a job. For example, say it is supposed to cut the cirlcle, at the starting point it should go up and right to left cutting the arc but instead goes down and left to right if that makes sense. In the chilipeppr display it is showing the machine where its traveling but it’s not following the cut lines that are on the screen.

    It is not the file. It’s the same files I use often and all I have to do when it messes up is stop the job move the machine around and hit go and most of the time it will just start cutting like it’s supposed. This happens so much that I have my own little voodoo dance I do before I start a job. Once I load the file I type in g20 and then hit job and go in each direction once, this actually seemed to cut down on the amount that this happens. lol.

    I have tinygV8 440.15 but is has happened on previous firmware also.


    From your description it sounds like potentially an inch mode issue combined with arc issue?
    Perhaps post your Gcode file to a cloud drive and the devs could look at it or use parts of it for another test case.

    You might also try to regenerate the job in mm to see if that helps.


    I just saw your post over at CP.
    You might try fw=440.16, there are always tweaks for arcs being performed, so the possibility some improvement.

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