Strange CoolTerm Connection Issues

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  • #11703

    After installing the FDTI driver and configuring CoolTerm’s settings my TinyG wouldnt communicate with CoolTerm. Each time I presssed the “enter” key a red led on the TinyG flashes so clearly there is a connection but they won’t communicate.

    I had tried giving it a few simple commands in the Z axis and it wasnt responding so I decided to work on it in the morning and put my computer to sleep. When I did this the TinyG executed a few of the Zcommands. How strange. So I opened my computer once more in the morning, and now when I connect to the TinyG it will exectute 1 commmand via the command line and then stop and use its holding TQ on each axis. It just continues buzzing like that and wont respond to CoolTerm again until its reset button is hit. No text appears in CoolTerm, either from me or the TinyG.

    Ive tried restarting my computer and restarting the TinyG. Both at the same time. What else can I do to remedy this issue? CoolTerm works perfectly well on my friends old Laptop. But now my new desktop.

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by MonkeyManGuy.

    I used CoolTerm many moons ago. I do recall that on occasion I have to start CoolTerm, then reset tinyG to see the command prompt tinyG>.

    My guess would be that the settings in your CoolTerm are not identical between your new desktop and your friends old laptop.
    I am think settings like what to do when enter is hit. Append nothing, CR, CFLF, etc. Cool Term has a number of options like this

    It might help if you capture a parameter dump with your once chance.
    That would be $$ then a CR


    The settings in both are the same as the wiki guide. I will certainly double check.

    Ill try a parameter dump but nothing is appearing on the screen so Im not sure Ill be able to see anything.


    I believe you can launch Coolterm from the “” file included in link to folder. Images of my Options settings as well.
    I always send “$$” as first line command to make sure TinyG is talking.
    Hope this helps

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by mristau.

    unsure why link is not posting. contact me directly?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by mristau.

    How can I contact you? And thanks


    cnc at


    Thanks, Ill send an email.

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